Monday, September 29, 2014

Monica Garry-Allen - The Makeover -- Giveaway!

Here is another former FPR author that was left at the altar by an evil scam artist.

I'm happy to introduce...Monica Garry-Allen.




TITLE – The Makeover  

SERIES – Nerd Girls Love Hard  

AUTHOR – Monica Garry-Allen  

GENRE – New Adult – Romantic Comedy  

PUBLICATION DATE – September 29th, 2014  

WORD COUNT - Approx 60,000 words 




Revenge is a dish best served cold… while wearing heels. 


April has just learned the real reason behind her boss’ impromptu dinner invitation. He only invited her to dinner with his colleagues to prove a point: that he can show up at an event with a plain Jane and still be considered ‘the man’. She expected better from him and had secretly hoped that one day their friendship would grow into something deeper. But her two best friends won’t let her wallow in her pain. They convince her to give Dr. Stewart a dose of his own medicine. 


The plan: show up at the dinner looking irresistible and prove to her boss that even nerd girls can be sexy. But first, she has to replace her unattractive business suits with something sexier and more revealing. It’s time for a makeover. 


 Dr. Chad Stewart would never ‘really’ date his secretary. She was too good, to pure for someone as jaded as himself. It didn’t matter that he was half in love with her. But when he needed an ‘average date’ for a dinner party she was the first person he turned to. He thought his secretary was the perfect choice until he arrived to find her looking like his wildest fantasy. 


But now she knows the real reason for his invite and he can see in her eyes how hurt she is. Can Chad convince her to forgive him for hurting her or will she walk out of his life… taking his heart with her?










“That’s right. Your plan was to use me to advance yourself.” 

“That was my plan. I admit it. I was wrong. What can I do to make you forgive me?” 

He sounded sincere. The fact that his eyes seemed to be watering as he stared at her longingly confirmed the sincerity she heard in his voice. But she wouldn’t fall for it. She wouldn’t let him in, only to be hurt by him again in the future. 

“There is nothing I want from you. There is nothing I want you to do other than to take me home, right now.” Those blasted tears were threatening to fall again. “Please just take me home.” Her voice broke on the last word. 

Chad held his hands up, surrendering to her demand. “If you really want to go home, I will take you home. Just please answer one question for me?"

She didn’t want to answer any questions, but if it would get her home sooner she would. “What is the question?” 

“When I touch you, do you feel anything?” 

Where had that question come from? “Um…” 

“I’m not finished. When we sip coffee together each morning, do you ever get the feeling that maybe we’re meant to be together? I know it sounds crazy, but even tonight, with everything that is going on, does a part of you feel the need to hold me and never let me go?” 

 Yes, yes, yes, that was exactly how she felt. How did he know? A sob escaped her lips. She put her hands over her face. She didn’t want to look at him. She didn’t want to hope that maybe he really felt those things he’d just said. Hope led to disappointment and she’d had enough disappointment in her life already. 

She couldn’t risk placing her hope in Chad. He’d already let her down once. The sound of gravel crunching let her know he was taking a step closer to her. She took a step back, suddenly very aware of his presence. Sobbing into her hands, afraid to look up, she continued to walk backward and he continued to follow her. 

Her back connected with something hard. She leaned back and felt the rough touch of tree bark against her exposed shoulders. Chad wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her forward. His hand settled at the small of her back. He used his other hand to massage her shoulders. The feel of his hands on her bare skin made her tremble. Why did she want him so much? 

“I messed up, April. If you give me another chance, I promise to never do anything like this again. Forgive me, please.”




Author Monica Garry-Allen is a Clinical Laboratory Technician by day and a Romance writer by night. Since she's a part of the medical field a lot of her characters have jobs as Doctors, Nurses, Laboratory Scientist and etc. When she's not working she enjoys reading, writing, and shopping. Cooking however, is not one of her hobbies. But thankfully her husband enjoys creating tasty meals therefore there's no chance of her starving. She enjoys traveling though she's not much of an outdoors person. Give her an air-conditioned room, a good book, a cup of coffee and she's in heaven.



Coming soon from Monica Garry-Allen: Christmas Confusion (A New Adult Romantic Comedy) 

 ~It's available for pre-order on Amazon.~



What would you do if your boss treated you the way Chad treated April? Stop by the Nerd Girl Drama page and read what the nerd girls had to say, then leave a comment stating which nerd girl you agree with. Two lucky winners will be chosen on October 1st. Good luck!


Friday, September 26, 2014

#atozchallenge #roadtrip - Stormy on the road less traveled.

It's ME!

Stormy the Weather Gnome!

We're changing things up a bit so you don't get bored.

Don't worry, we're still on the road to nowhere, still can't drive 55, AND still running against the wind.

I went to visit some of those go-getters at the beginning of the list.

Here's a few that I think you should visit.

Remember to tell them that you're visiting from the Post A-to-Z Road Trip!


AJ Lauer from Naturally Sweet!
One of the most excellent co-hosts of the Challenge.

Her Alphabet theme was 'Things I Know'! She knows a lot! She talks about all kinds of stuff. Life lessons, writing, her favorite things and a few of her favorite people! Never a dull moment during her Challenge posts!


Nita from Nita's Books

Nita reviews books. You know. Books. See, something we all have in common! She specializes in children's, middle grade, and young adult book reviews so her A to Z Theme was full of awesome goodness. Authors like: Diana Lopez, Joanne Harris and Lisa Yee. 

Days and days go by and no one leaves her a comment. Let's say hello to her today.


L.G. Keltner from Writing Off The Edge

You've got to hand it to people that can whip together a new piece of writing for 26 days in a row. L.G. wrote a drabble (a 100 word piece of fiction) for each A to Z Letter day.


Kristen Dyrr from Random Musings from the KristenHead

This A to Z Theme is CRAZY cool! Kristen talks about all things wonderful including, but not limited to, TV shows (Almost Human, Teen Wolf, Elementary, The X-Files), nature, podcats, iPhones, and Androids!

But, that's not the best part! Her posts are riddled with tweets and gifs and pics and hilarity! I love how she ties it all together, each post better than the next.

Thanks for visiting with us today!
Are you finding any great blogs on your trip?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Moonbeams and Magic box set from InkSpell Publishing.

Displaying Moonbeams and Magic6x9.jpg

FOUR Books for the Price of $1.99!
Available September 23rd

Antithesis by Kacey Vanderkarr

My name is Gavyn.

Liam doesn’t care that I only have one arm. He actually likes my red hair and freckles. I might forgive him for kidnapping me.

My name is Gavyn.

I lost my Liam. I’ve lost them all. And now it’s my job to make sure they don’t show up again.

My name is Gavyn.

I had a life with Liam, but he couldn’t give me what I need. Then I killed his father. I don’t expect he’ll forgive me for that.

Bewitched by Mark Jay Harris

Is it love or is it witchcraft? He’ll never find out if he kills her first.

The first time Darren saw Samantha, she was floating above his high school gymnasium during a basketball game, invisible to everyone but him. Next time he sees her, she's sitting in front of him in class, wowing his friends and causing unexplainable things to happen that only he seems to notice. But things really get strange (and complicated) when his dying grandfather tells him that he is part of an ancient order, the “Pessum Ire,” whose duty is to destroy witches. What does he do now, since he’s almost positive Samantha is a witch…and he’s crushing on her pretty hard?

Colonization by Aubrie Dionne

Finding a new home has never been so dangerous.

Andromeda has spent all seventeen years of her life aboard a deep space transport vessel destined for a paradise planet. Her safe cocoon is about to break open as Paradise 21 looms only one month away, and she must take the aptitude tests to determine her role on the new world and her computer
assigned lifemate. As a great-granddaughter of the Commander of the ship, she wants to live up to her family name. But, her forbidden love for her childhood friend, Sirius, distracts her and she fails the tests. The results place her in a menial role in the new colony and pair her with Corvus, “the oaf”.

But when Andromeda steps foot on Paradise 21, her predestined future is the least of her worries. Alien ghosts from a failed colonization warn her of a deadly threat to her colony. And when Sirius's ship crashes on the far ridge in an attempt to investigate, she journeys to rescue him with Corvus.

Andromeda now must convince the authorities of the imminent danger to protect her new home. What she didn't expect was a battle of her own feelings for Sirius and Corvus.

The Star Child by Stephanie Keyes

The world is about to be cloaked in darkness. Only one can stop the night. 

Kellen St. James has spent his entire life being overlooked as an unwanted, ordinary, slightly geeky kid. When the sudden death of his Gran takes him from the East coast to the rugged cliffs of Western Ireland, all that changes. That is until a beautiful girl, one who has haunted his dreams for the past eleven years of his life, shows up spinning
tales of a prophecy. Not just any old prophecy either, but one in which Kellen plays a key role.

Suddenly, Kellen finds himself on the run through a Celtic underworld of faeries and demons, angels and gods, not to mention a really ticked off pack of hellhounds, all in order to save the world from darkness. But will they make it in time?

Displaying MoonbeamsBoxSet.v2.jpg

Praise for The Star Child:
"Stephanie Keyes is a wonderful voice for a new generation of YA readers. She has skillfully blended mythology and faerie-tale into an original and enthralling story. Pure magick! I'm looking forward to more. - Helen Hart, author, The Black Banner

Praise for Colonization:
Best of 2013 by Paranormal Sisters “Wow, this dystopian kicks butt. Like action packed nonstop and I was hooked from the very first page.”

Praise for Bewitched:
This is an amazing story. Full of Magic and twist and turns, full of action, and secrets and many surprises. It sure left me wanting more. It’s very well written too.” Michelle’s Paranormal Vault of Books

Praise for Antithesis
“I just want to say, I loved this book. It’s nonstop action from page one, Gavyn is awesome and Liam is hotter than a tin roof in august. Nothing got done yesterday, because I had to read this book.” Goodreads Reviewer.

Only $1.99 for FOUR books!

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Ninja Captain's Underrated Treasures Blogfest!

Oh, Alex.

You're so hard on us!

This is a thinkin' blogfest.

And now, my brain hurts. :(

But, in a good way! :)

Alex's pitch!

Everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about. For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Now is your chance to tell the world about this obscure treasure!

Today, September 22, post about your favorite unknown –


Post about one or all four – dealer’s choice!

Here we go!

MOVIE - Zorro, The Gay Blade (1981)

In 1840's Mexico, wealthy landowner Don Diego Vega learns of his late father's secret as Zorro, the masked folk hero, and Vega adopts his new persona. But when Vega is incapacitated by an injury, he asks Ramon, his very gay, long-lost twin brother (now calling himself 'Bunny'), to replace him as the caped hero, who makes some drastic changes to his Zorro persona.

This is one of my favorite movies growing up and these days, no one's even heard of it. I quote lines from this movie to my family all the time. Even watching it now, I would be cracking up because the cast is so brilliant.

It's worth the watch.

BAND/ARTIST - So...honestly, I racked my brain and couldn't come up with any band/artists that I'm listening to that the whole world isn't listening to.

My current favorite is Thirty Seconds to Mars.

They're certainly not underrated.

TV SHOW - Arrow (2012)

After having being lost at sea and presumed dead, the spoiled son of a millionaire returns to cleanse his hometown from crime as a vigilante with superhuman capabilities.

I know this show is gaining immense popularity, mostly due to the lead actor, Stephen Amell (who is AWESOME), but it can't hurt to give it a little push. Strong characters. Good story. AMAZING action scenes. Lots of tension ... of all kinds. Family drama. Flashbacks extraordinaire. Bare Naked Man Chests. This show has it all.

And, its only getting better.

It's also going to have its first spin-off. The Flash begins this fall.

True, Alex, it's not exactly Blood, Boobs and Carnage. (2 out of 3 ain't bad) But, it's close. :)

BOOK - There are a million books that are completely underrated treasures. I've got a whole list of them on the Pay It Forward book list. Go check them out! Feel free to add a few of your own!

Thank you, Alex, for throwing another great Blogfest party!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Some humor for Wednesday & GET THIS BOOK!

I'm post-less today.

I've got nothing and I should be doing something.

So, I'll leave you with some funnies...

First, go read this man's review on Amazon about using men's hair removal cream on his privates. No really. So funny.

Also... go download this BOOK from Amazon! It's FREE and all our friends are in it!

Friday, September 12, 2014

What's a Shelfie? Blog Hop and Blogfest reminders!

A Shelfie is a picture of a book or a bookshelf, alone or with your lovely face included.

It can be your own book or books written by some of your favorite authors.

We take pictures of stuff all the time, so why not try and win some great prizes while doing it!

You don't need to be an author/writer to enter!

Everyone has books!

Take a picture and enter today!


Dates: Ends Monday, October 6, 2014
Entries: Take a picture of you and your book(s) - your favorites or your own novels. Or you can just arrange the books in a special way and take the picture - but you do get extra points for being in the photo.
Formats: Tweet, Facebook, Blog - just make sure to include a link(s) to each.

The woman behind it all:Tara Tyler and the lovely co-hosts, co-conspirators and contributors: Christine Rains, Vikki Biram, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, and Rena Rocford!

But that's not all - check out the fabulous prizes! It's easy and profitable! I hope you'll join us and spread the word!

Don't forget Alex J. Cavanaugh's upcoming blogfest! Sign up HERE!

Everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about. For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Now is your chance to tell the world about this obscure treasure!

On Monday, September 22, post about your favorite unknown –


Post about one or all four – dealer’s choice!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

If you live in the US, I need about 15 minutes of your time today.

You may have been hearing about Net Neutrality and figured it had something to do with Switzerland's internet.

Not true.

If you want to know more about Net Neutrality check out these sites:

A Helpful Guide to The Open InternetNet Neutrality RapNetNeutrality.comDeaf Advocacy Groups & VerizonComcast Censors Article About Net NeutralityEtsy CEO On Net NeutralityReddit: Only YOU Can Protect Net Neutrality

If you want to understand what Net Neutrality is, and how it WILL effect you, then watch this VERY funny, may contain strong language, video from John Oliver.

You can join the Internet Slowdown today, September 10, 2014, to protest big cable companies and their plan to make the net their ultimate cash cow and chew toy.

"Kickstarter, Meetup, Netflix, reddit, Upworthy, Vimeo, Wordpress, imgur and countless other sites are taking part in the Internet Slowdown. And while it's great to have corporate support, we aren't
going to win this fight just because Netflix is on our side."

GO HERE to find out how to help, to add your name to the petition, and how to spread the word.


I'm going to go write some stuff and think about this guy.