Friday, May 29, 2015

Christine Rains - Dice & Debauchery's New Release!

Happy Friday!

Today is all about Christine Rains!

This series is really heating up and I can't wait to read book 2 and 3!

Best of luck, Christine!


Layers of Lace (Dice & Debauchery #2)
By Christine Rains
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Release date: May 29th, 2015
Genre: Modern erotic romance

Amateur cosplayer Emily Solis is determined to win the costume contest and the heart of her biggest competition.

It isn't the first time Emily has shed her costume with the gorgeous Russell Morrison. Not even her best friend knows she's been having wild convention sex with him for over a year. It was supposed to remain physical, but Emily couldn't help falling for him and his kinky ways. In a moment of passion, she rolls the dice and tells Russell she loves him. He doesn't say it back. Can she convince him they're perfect together or will she roll another critical failure?

Buy the book:

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Get Loose Corset, the first book in the Dice & Debauchery series:


By Christine Rains
Release date: June 26, 2015.

Video game geek Josh Hanson never gets noticed by women until a gorgeous booth babe drags him into a dark room for a quickie.

She doesn't give him her name, and her face is covered by a silver mask. Josh is determined to find the dark-haired beauty again, but communication isn't easy in a huge hall filled with nerds. When they end up playing in a tournament later, the games extend into her hotel room. Josh wants more than just a con fling, but she's not easy to catch. Can he figure out how to beat her games and become her champion?

Purchase links:
Amazon * B&N * Kobo

Add to Goodreads.

My PhotoAbout the author:
Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She's married to her best friend and fellow geek living in south-central Indiana. They have one son who is too smart for his parents' own good and loves to pretend he's Batman. Christine has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not reading or writing, she's going on adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a member of Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. (South Central Indiana Fiction Interface). She has several short stories and novellas published. The Dice & Debauchery series is her first contemporary erotic romance.

Please visit her website (
and blog ( )

You can also find Christine on
Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Nick Wilford is here with his new book! -- Majanka Verstraete's release day GC giveaway!

Howdy, folks!

I have a special guest today! Nick Wilford!!!

Thanks for having me over today, Heather. Today I’ve got something to share which will hopefully be interesting: a conversation between Mark Templeton of the Totnell Gazette and Dr Harold Mistuna, B.M., PhD.

Mark: Dr Mistuna?
Dr Mistuna: Um… ah, yes, this is he.
Mark: I’m glad to hear it. All I had was a phone number for a local garage in Totnell, and it took quite a while for them to put me through. I had a tipoff that you were running a neurosurgery practice from above the garage, and I wanted to find out some more information.
Dr Mistuna: You wish to come in for a consultation?
Mark: Oh, no, I don’t think so. I’m good. I just wanted to learn a bit more about it. It’s quite an odd base to operate from, isn’t it? There are plenty of hospitals in this country.
Mark: Dr Mistuna?
Dr Mistuna: Who is this?
Mark: I’m Mark Templeton of the Totnell… (pauses and clears throat). The Totnell Survey Office. We’re just asking a few questions of local businesses in the area to see what it’s like to work and live in this fine London borough.
Dr Mistuna: Very well. And the results will be strictly confidential, I assume?
Mark: Yes, of course.
Dr Mistuna: What would you like to know?
Mark: Well, what exactly is it that you offer to your patients?
Dr Mistuna: Ah, that is a question that will take some answering, Mr Templeton. I offer them the key to the life they always dreamed of living. Opportunities and achievements they thought beyond their grasp will fall at their feet. I offer them the chance to progress in their career or repair a broken marriage. Or to be a more compassionate, giving person. We could do with more people like that, don’t you think?
Mark: Well, certainly. But how do you go about achieving these outcomes?
Dr Mistuna: I keep the secrets of my profession and my discoveries closely guarded, and unless you were to come in for a consultation, I cannot tell you more.
Mark: (sounding disappointed) I understand that. Do you run a busy practice? I notice that you don’t have any online presence and don’t even appear in any listings of local businesses. Don’t you think a little more exposure would help?
Dr Mistuna: I have plenty of patients. They come to me through word of mouth. Those who need to know, will find out from somewhere.
Mark: It all seems very cloak and dagger, and I wonder at the need for this secrecy. What is the exact nature of what you provide? Do you have any accreditations with professional bodies?
Dr Mistuna (getting angrier): I have already told you, I cannot give more information over the phone. If that is all, good day to you, Mr Templeton!
(slams down the phone)
Mark, to his colleague: Angela, I want you to go round to this garage and pose as someone who needs a life overhaul. There’s a story in this somewhere, and I’m going to get to it!

Title: A Change of Mind and Other Stories
Author: Nick Wilford
Genre: Speculative fiction
Format: Ebook only
Page/word count: 107 pages, approx. 32,000 words
Release date: 25th May 2015
Publisher: Superstar Peanut Publishing
A Change of Mind and Other Stories consists of a novella, four short stories and one flash fiction piece. This collection puts the extremes of human behaviour under the microscope with the help of lashings of dark humour, and includes four pieces previously published in Writer’s Muse magazine.  In A Change of Mind, Reuben is an office worker so meek and mild he puts up with daily bullying from his boorish male colleagues as if it’s just a normal part of his day. But when a stranger points him in the direction of a surgeon offering a revolutionary new procedure, he can’t pass up the chance to turn his life around.  But this isn’t your average surgeon. For a start, he operates alone in a small room above a mechanic’s. And he promises to alter his patients’ personality so they can be anything they want to be…  In Marissa, a man who is determined to find evidence of his girlfriend’s infidelity ends up wondering if he should have left well alone.  The Dog God finds a chink in the armour of a man with a megalomaniacal desire to take over the world.  In The Insomniac, a man who leads an obsessively regimented lifestyle on one hour’s sleep a night finds a disruption to his routine doesn’t work for him.  Hole In One sees a dedicated golfer achieving a lifelong ambition.  The Loner ends the collection on a note of hope as two family members try to rebuild their lives after they are torn apart by jealousy.
Purchase Links:
Meet the author:
Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those rare times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a little freelance editing and formatting thrown in. When not working he can usually be found spending time with his family or cleaning something. He has four short stories published in Writer’s Muse magazine. Nick is also the editor of Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew. Visit him at his blog or connect with him on Twitter or Goodreads.

Thank you, Nick! Great piece! These stories sound amazing. I wish you the very best of luck!


Release Day Party for my fellow InkSpell Publishing author: Majanka Verstraete!

ReflectedTitle: Reflected (Mirrorland #2)
Author: Majanka Verstraete
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Mystery, Romance, Dark Fantasy

When Alison was stuck in Mirrorland, all she wanted was to be alive again. Now she’s gotten her revenge by inhabiting Piper's body and trapping her behind the mirror. But pretending to be Piper is more difficult than she imagined it would be.
On top of that, the borders between Mirrorland and the real world are crumbling. Danger abounds, demons appear in high school, and if wasn’t for the help of a new mysterious guy, Alison might not have escaped. But there’s more to this guy than meets the eye, and she’s determined to find out what, especially since it might be related to her own supernatural problems. Meanwhile, Piper tries to convince the Horseman of Death to help her return to her own world, but he's got his own hidden agenda, which may cause more serious risks. Can Piper find a way to restore the balance before both worlds collide?

Author Bio

Majanka Verstraete begged her Mom to teach her how to read while she was still in kindergarten. By the time she finished fifth grade, she had read through the entire children’s section of her hometown library.
Majanka VerstraeteShe wrote her first story when she was seven years old, and hasn’t stopped writing since. With an imagination that never sleeps, and hundreds of possible book characters screaming for her attention, writing is more than a passion for her.
She writes about all things supernatural for children of all ages. She’s tried to write contemporary novels before, but something paranormal always manages to crawl in.
Majanka is currently studying for her Master of Laws degree, and hopes one day to be able to combine her passions for law and writing. When she’s not writing, reading or studying, she likes watching “The Vampire Diaries” and “Game of Thrones,” spending time with her friends, or playing “World of Warcraft.”


Buy the Book

Amazon (Kindle):
Amazon (Paperback):
B&N (Paperback):


Win a $15 Amazon gift card during the release!

Monday, May 25, 2015

The Muse Party Blogfest!!

Sarah Foster is hosting The Muse Party Blogfest! Bring your Muse, answer some fun questions on your blog, and get the party started!! Check out her blog, The Faux Fountain Pen, for more info and the list of participants. 

Happy Blogiversary, Sarah! Thanks for having a fun blogfest party!
1. Who is your muse (or character)? Tell us a little bit about him/her and why you brought them. 

My muse has a name. Nigel Carruthers. (Lovingly borrowed from Billy Connolly) He’s British. Snooty. Arrogant. Fussy. He sounds like Ian McKellan.  When he’s angry. Which is most of the time. When he’s on, he’s really on. Other times, he’s just drinking pints and telling me where to stick it.

2. What are you guys wearing? Dressing up or keeping it casual?

I’m a jeans and T-shirt kind of gal. However Nigel is always properly dressed for any occasion.

3. It's a potluck! Did you bring something yummy?

Always bring something for the host. I’m bringing bunches and bunches of celery. Nigel has brought his own libations. Cause he’s rude.

4. Open bar! What are you both drinking (booze or otherwise)?

I’m going to need coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

5. Wallflowers or social butterflies?

Funny. This question really puts the two of us in perspective. I’m a wallflower to the extreme. I do like to people watch, but eventually I’ll take out my book and forget about everyone else. Nigel will party all day and all night and all week!  

6. What song(s) will you and your muse sing for karaoke?

I campaigned for Don’t Stop Believin’ from Journey, but Nigel wants to sing Maxwell’s Silver Hammer from The Beatles.

7. What's your favorite party game?

My favorite party game is ‘Let’s watch the clock!’ I hope that doesn’t sound rude, but I’m not good with people. Nigel’s one of those guys that are good at everything, no matter what game you pull out he’s mastered it.

8. Which one of you is more likely to end up dancing on a table top?

This one I can honestly say, neither. Nigel would never embarrass himself, even as inebriated as he gets.

9. Has your muse been a good date and would you ever hang out with them again?

Nigel arrived with me and he’s leaving with someone else. He’s not to be trusted with that accent. But, he has great stories to share. Sometimes he’s so intense he scorches your skin. Sometimes he’s so damaged you just want to hold him until the pain goes away.  Sometimes he’s so funny, you can’t even breathe. So, yeah, I would definitely hang out with him more, given the chance.

Memorial Day 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday hodgepodge! Bursting with goodness!

The BBC Blogfest!
Thank you guys so much for participating! It was so much fun to go around and read all about your favorite movies, TV shows, and books that were full of blood, boobs and carnage! And there were lots of them!

Game of Thrones was mentioned the most. I mean THE very most! I will probably read/watch it one day, but there's lots on my list before I get to it.

Here are a few that I wish I'd thought to mention: 
Serenity - The movie was so much bloodier than the show. As nature intended.
Sons of Anarchy - Has to be one of my TOP favorite shows. Ever.
Deadwood - Awesome TV show.

The Stephanie Plum series - Great books. So funny. Lots of explosions, mishaps, and high jinks.

These caught my eye that now I want to watch and read:
Movie: High Tension
TV Show: Strike Back
Book: The Barrow by Mark Smylie
Book: The GhostWalkers series by Christine Feehan

Missed it. Totally. Duh. 
Happy Blogiversary to moi!
My 5 year anniversary was back on 5-12-2015. This will be my 716th post. I've published 2 books since I started and a third is in the works. I've contributed to two published anthologies. I'm affiliated with some awesome blog groups. (#IWSG - BLOG BLITZ - The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge) I've met the nicest most supportive people in the world while blogging. I'm fortunate and I thank you all for being there for me.

You don't have to justify...
So much drama recently about the Game of Thrones TV show. Since I didn't read the books or watch the show I have little to say about it except for this...

You don't have to justify to anyone why you want to watch/read/listen to entertainment.

You don't have to justify to anyone why you DON'T want to watch/read/listen to entertainment.

The Muse Party Blogfest!

Sarah Foster is hosting The Muse Party Blogfest! Bring your Muse, answer some fun questions on your blog, and get the party started!!!! Check out her blog, The Faux Fountain Pen, for more info!

You need to check out this amazing group. Click HERE for Facebook.
Donate if you can.
Spread the word.
We can make a difference.

Memorial Day 
Take a moment during your busy-fun-filled holiday weekend, to remember those that gave their lives so you could live yours.

Sarah Foster's Blogfest - Nick Wilford - Christine Rains!
The Muse Party Blogfest will happen on Monday, May 25. I will be hosting a party and you and your muse can come! On that day you can post on your blog and answer the questions I've provided. I'll be answering them as well and of course visiting all of the blogs who participate! 
- See more at:

Monday, May 18, 2015

Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest!!!!! & Release Day for Connie L. Smith!

It's here! It's here! My very own Blogfest with Alex J. Cavanaugh! (He's so awesome!)

Let's get our Blood, Boobs & Carnage on!

Today, we post about a movie, television show, book, or all three that falls into the category of Blood, Boobs, and Carnage. (Or just Blood and Carnage or other mixture.)

It can be any genre that fits the bill – fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure, western, thriller, etc.

Post the badge and visit other participants.

I wanted to try and encompass all three in my choices, so here we go!

 "Die Hard"

I'm counting Man Boob in this one because we get to see Bruce Willis in just his bloody, ripped tank shirt for most of the film. And, who could forget those bloody feet!


"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

Although the original 1992 movie wasn't all that bloody, the television show certainly made up for that. BtVS ran for 7 glorious seasons with Blood, Boobs & Carnage. And, dust. Plenty of dust. :)


"The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning"

Sorry. Had to clean up a little drool on my keyboard. These books. You should read these books. They've got it all. I've yet to find a more amazing alpha-male than Barrons.

Thank you for coming by today and please go visit some of the other participants and check out their picks!


Jivin’ Tango 

By Connie L. Smith

Lila and Austin have known each other since she befriended his younger brother when she was a toddler. In fact, since her parents moved from her hometown, Lila’s lived with Austin’s family. The two are friends, though more of the teasing, taunting breed than the BFF variety.

But all it takes is one moment for everything to change…

For Austin, that moment comes when Lila performs a rumba in the school’s auditorium to qualify for the state dance competition, the young woman on stage so far-removed from the little girl in his memories.

For Lila, the moment is a reflected image of Austin preparing for prom, the guy standing in front of his mirror hardly resembling the child that spent so much of his youth pestering her.

Will they find a way to admit to themselves and their families that their feelings are deeper than friendship? And can Lila focus on this building relationship – and deal with her unstable ex – and still win the dance contest?

Connie L. Smith spends far too much time with her mind wandering in fictional places. She reads too much, likes to bake, and might forever be sad that she doesn’t have fairy wings. And that she can’t swing dance. Her music of choice is severely outdated, and as an adult she’s kind of obsessed with Power Rangers. She has her BA from Northern Kentucky University in Speech Communication and History (she doesn’t totally get the connection either), and is currently working on her MA.