Wednesday, September 30, 2015

There are no 'Stupid' questions & Lisa Hahn's Cover Reveal!

Last day of September. Do you know what that means?

It's Ask A Stupid Question Day!

For reals.

It's a day created by teachers to get kids to ask more questions in class.

[If you ask me, using the word 'stupid' in the name of your awesome idea, was a stupid decision.]

So, in honor of today we should ask random questions all day long!

Need a few examples?

Try typing in 'Why is', 'What is', or 'Where is', into your Google Search screen. You might get some interesting results.

Take a few minutes to think about the English Language. That ought to provide some great questions.

Apparently, Yahoo Answers has a million of them. Warning: your IQ may drop just reading them.

If you're concerned as coming off as 'stupid' when you ask your random question, make sure you follow up with ... "I'm asking for a friend." Problem solved!

Have fun out there today!


InkSpell Author Lisa Hahn's Cover Reveal!

A Dream Come True
By Lisa Hahn

Cover Design: Najla Qambar Designs
Category: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella

Release date: October 20, 2015

Alexa Anello planned on taking over her grandma’s salon ever since she decided she wanted to be a stylist back in elementary school. What she wasn’t planning on was her rock star crush asking her out after one of his shows.

Liam Walker loves making music but hates being a celebrity. Despite the demands of his career, he’s a pretty simple guy. He likes to keep his private life out of the media as much as he can.

Will Liam be able to help make all of Alexa’s dreams come true or will he leave her feeling like his dirty little secret…

About the Author:
Lisa Hahn writes contemporary and new adult romance. She’s interested in characters that are smart, sincere, and somewhat artistically inclined. She and her husband currently reside in Northern New Jersey with their cat and two dogs. In addition to romance novels, Lisa is interested in yoga, fitness, veganism, and professional wrestling.

Twitter: @bylisahahn


Chances are someone you know has been fighting for their lives.

Did you know that donating blood is one of the simplest ways to help them?

Find a Blood Drive. Host a Blood Drive. Help spread the word. Save a life.

Monday, September 28, 2015

We are celebrating & acquiring knowledge in here today!!!

Today is a good day.

Why, you ask?

Well, even though it's Monday, it's my birthday.

Since I'm still breathing, and as far as I know...upright, we must celebrate!

That's right! Aliens.

Never mind!

And, what better way to celebrate than have one of my very best blog-buddies join us with her new book!

Welcome, Tara Tyler!


Screenplays - Not as easy as you'd think...
On one of my many back burners sits the screenplay of Pop Travel. I'm wishful thinking. But hey, that's how I got this far in the first place. You never know! So if you're considering going in that direction, here's some advice I've picked up from working on mine. It's very exciting and a lot of fun!

Where to begin?
That's a really good question. I bought SAVE THE CAT by Blake Snyder to help me "beat" out my MSs, but it was written as a guide on writing a screenplay. It's pretty terrific for both. And just like a novel, the first scene in a screenplay has to hook 'em.

But that's not what happens in the book...
Every scene/chapter should be its own mini story with a beginning middle and end, complete with a climax. But a screenplay has to be less than 150 pages!! 100 is the best because the rule is: every page is a minute of film. A screenplay has to move the plot along, keeping only the bestest parts. So much cutting! And I can totally see why they leave so much out of a novel and even change characters or scenes to make it work on screen.

Think Visually.
Mr. Snyder recommends you watch the opening scenes of a few similar genre films you enjoy to pay attention to their hooks. It was a great motivator. Writing a screenplay takes "show not tell" to a whole other level. It's all setting, action, and dialog!

And that's about as far as I am. I've re-outlined my screenplay several times because I have to cut more out with each pass. It's so hard! The formatting is crazy, but that's the easy part - there are apps and programs and templates for that!

Ever tried or considered trying it? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for having me, Heather! You're always a sweet friend to me =) I hope your readers enjoyed my amateur take on screenplays. I'm always learning and trying stuff! Why not?!

by Tara Tyler
Release Date: Sept 14, 2015

In 2082, androids are an essential part of daily life. Some are helpful, some would make better toasters, and some are so human-like they're creepy. Back in Atlanta, Detective Cooper's latest client has him searching for her boyfriend who she thinks was replaced by a simulation, an illegal clone android. The guy also happens to be a popular new congressman.

As if the case wasn't frustrating enough, Cooper keeps crossing paths with his ex, FBI Agent Geri Harper who's looking for the same guy. As Cooper closes in, Geri is kidnapped. But when she resurfaces in Washington and goes on a killing spree, he knows it isn't her. Now under suspicion himself, Cooper must find the real Geri to prove her innocence, not to mention hunt down the powerful villain behind it all. Never a dull moment.

SIMULATION delivers more technology, more intense action, more humor, and more, distinct new characters. Come along for the ride.

Available Now!
Amazon ~~ Barnes & Noble ~~ Kindle

Tara Tyler writes sci fi and fantasy action-adventures from her little corner of the world in Ohio as she tries to keep up with her three boys and coach husband. Always making time to write, she sometimes puts off chores and lets laundry pile up... hence, she's also the Lazy Housewife, offering advice and tips to other gals out there trying to do it all without going crazy. She and her housewife friends blog at The Really Real Housewives of America.

And don't forget the Rafflecopter!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Stormy the Weather Gnome meets Death & The Re-opening of The X-Files News

Stormy the Weather Gnome ... Grimm.

Aren't they adorable together? Although, Stormy is looking a little pale. Hmmmmm.


The Re-opening of The X-Files News

I don't have a whole lot of new news to share. Just that I have finally caught up and surpassed the #‎TheXFiles201Days‬ re-watch.

I just watched Season 4, Episode 9 because I know I won't be home much this weekend.
The re-watch is on Season 4, Episode 7, Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man.

It's a good episode all about Cancer Man and how is is like the Forrest Gump of the not-so-secret government agency that controls all the world's important events.

The best part is his park bench soliloquy.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap thoughtless perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So, you’re stuck with this undefinable whipped mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there’s nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there’s a peanut butter cup or an English toffee, but they’re gone too fast and the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth shattering nuts. If you’re desperate enough to eat those all you’ve got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers." Raul Bloodworth

The name Raul Bloodworth is Cancer Man's nom de plume. He fancied himself a writer, but spent a lot of time putting rejection letters in his desk drawer.

Sound familiar?


Have a great weekend!

The BOY has another football game tomorrow!

Go WildCats!

Make sure to visit on Monday! I've got Tara Tyler stopping by during her virtual book tour!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meet Death, but cuter & Alyse Miller's new release - The Acorn Tattoo!

So, I go into CVS Pharmacy the other day and all the Halloween stuff is out.

The stores are crazy if they think I can buy candy this far ahead and not eat it all before October 31st. Crazy like a FOX!

But, I do like to browse the aisles to see the new decorations and such.

And there he was. Grimm.

Isn't he the cutest Death ever??? He's killin' me!!! With cuteness!

The BOY wants to take fun pictures with Grimm, like I do with Stormy. So these are his photo ideas so far.

Stay tuned for more of Grimm in the near future!!


Welcome Alyse Miller and her new release... The Acorn Tattoo!

The Acorn Tattoo: A Novella

by Alyse Miller
Cover Design: Najla Qamber  
ISBN:  978-1-939590-53-4

Sometimes Neverland isn’t the place you go to stay young; it’s the place you leave to grow up.

Claire Baker is an orphan who has always been afraid to open her heart – that is, until she meets Jake Holland, the Boy with the Acorn Tattoo, who sweeps her off her feet with his ocean-timbered voice and sheepish Lost Boy grin. Consumed by their budding romance everything seems to be perfect for Claire, completely perfect --
– Except for Davie, Claire’s childhood friend who’s always held a corner of her heart – the dark, somber-eyed boy who has grown into a handsome, enigmatic man – and who has hooked himself so deeply inside of her she cannot escape him. When Davie professes his love in an unexpected burst of loosened passion, Claire finds herself torn between the two men: the one that’s stolen her heart and the one who’s held it all along.
Now, Claire must navigate through the purities and passions of love and accept the consequences of finally letting her heart take the lead.

Lost in Neverland, how does a girl choose between the Pan and the pirate?

Alyse Miller is a young women’s fiction writer with a penchant for romantic and speculative twists. She lives in New York and can often be found writing in dimly lit coffee shops while drinking chai tea.