Friday, August 26, 2011

Yesterday's Rant and preparing for Hurrican Irene.

You guys are the best! Have I told you that lately? You really are.

I read that stupid article yesterday and got my panties all in a knot and had to vent.

There is no better place to go than the blogosphere!

Not only did you guys calm me down and make me laugh but you all agreed with me and that was the very best part.

So, I sent a Tweet to Angela James, the Executive Editor from Carina Press:
Wondering what thinks of this article: 10 words editors hate? - A dozen of us on my blog are at a loss.

She wrote back:
I've got nothing for you. I don't hate any of those words and they seem pretty innocuous! But I DO hate the word fateful...

Then she RT'd:
Seriously? Is it a joke? RT : Wondering what thinks of this article: 10 words editors hate

And these were the responses to her:
Joely Sue Burkhart


  1. See? It wasn't just you.
    And although I live inland and won't see more than some rain and alittle wind, people have cleaned out the grocery stores.

  2. Loved the tweets! As to hurricane - there is definitely something to be said for being land-locked. Batten your hatches!

  3. My car is filled up with gas. We've taken out extra cash. The fridge is stocked up; we've got canned goods that don't need to be cooked; lots of snacks for the kids, batteries and flashlights. :)

  4. Well fortunately for us, the Midwest only gets hit by tornadoes...if you consider that good fortune. Stay safe.

  5. I live in Utah... so no, but, i wish you all the best: i sure hope it all works out.

  6. Alex - I hear that. A girlfriend sent me pics of a grocery store near her in Rhode Island with empty shelves. Rhode Island!

    Wendy - Will do our best!

    Angela - Wow. You sound VERY prepared! Great job. Good luck!

    Laila - We had a few of those this year too! Will do.

    Jeff - Thanks. Me too!

    Thanks for coming by everyone.

  7. I hope you and your family are safe and will remain safe for this whole hurricane business. Please, take care.

  8. Lola - Thank you. I'm glad you found me too!

    Murees - Thank you. As of 11:30 PM on Saturday night we are all fine. The rain has picked up and we are expecting the storm by morning.
    I'll keep everyone updated when I can.



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