Monday, May 15, 2017

It's morning...

This makes me laugh every time I see it. It's not meant to offend anyone. Just cracks me up.

I'm drinking coffee and planning out my crazy busy week after just coming off a really crazy busy weekend.

What are you guys up to today?

Something good?
Something bad?
Bit of both?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Drink Water Week / Winners / IWSG news!!

I bet you didn't know that May 7-13 is 'Drinking Water Week' and I can't think of a better way to drink water than to mix it with the elixir of life...the coffee bean.


I had some ebook winners from the A to Z Challenge that I neglected to mention. I will rectify that immediately!

Congratulations to...
L. Diane Wolfe
Joy Michelle
Alana Mautone / bookworm
Hilary Melton-Butcher
C. Lee McKenzie
Patricia Lynne

Thank you guys for participating and visiting!


Are you guys familiar with Reedsy? They're your one-stop-shop for editing, design, publicity, marketing, and ghostwriting services.

As a member of IWSG, you can receive a $25 credit to use on Reedsy services (editing, design, publicity, marketing, ghostwriting) when you create a new account. Existing Reedsy accounts do not qualify.

Interested? Go HERE to sign-up!


I'm sure there was more I was supposed to share today, but I can't seem to remember any of it, so I'll leave you to it! :)

Monday, May 8, 2017

I AM GROOT!!! -- Worth every penny and more! #GotGVol2

We took the BOY to see Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2 on Saturday.

It was AMAZING!!

I loved how even though the movie was mostly Peter Quill's story, they didn't make it ALL about him.  There was plenty of stuff going on with the other characters so that it was really well rounded.

Baby Groot almost stole the whole movie!

The visual effects were stunning. The dialogue was hilarious. The emotional connection between the characters was brilliant.

I loved every minute and I would go back to see it right now if I could. I might be able to convince the husband to go again if we head up to the drive-in. :)

If you're on the fence about going to see this movie...jump down and go!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Two awesome cover reveals today! No, really!

Happy BELATED 'May the Fourth' for yesterday and Happy 'Revenge of the Fifth' today!

I love that Star Wars has become so mainstream! Although, I do know quite a few people who have never watched the movies. I still don't know how I'm friends with them, but I realize that not everyone can sit at the cool table. :)

Have a great weekend!


Beyond the Hope
(The Division: Book Three)
By Connie L. Smith

Publisher: InkSpell Publishing
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

In the aftermath of the latest battle, the stakes are higher than ever before. Time’s hardly an ally to Nicholai’s army of paranormal soldiers. The Tomes remain hidden, and the clock is ticking for the Essenced poisoned with the demon’s incurable toxin.

Beyond those worries, magic might be vanishing—a twist that could insurmountably cripple the army’s capabilities prior to the war’s conclusion.

Never has the conflict felt so desperate, with danger escalating and hope disappearing with the slow drain of the hourglass.
Will the answers surface in time, or will the band of warriors fail to prevent the ruin of the world?

Publication Date: May 17, 2017
Pre-Order Links:

About the Author:
Connie L. Smith spends a decent amount of time with her mind wandering in fictional places. She reads too much, likes to bake, and might forever be sad that she doesn’t have fairy wings. And that she can’t swing dance. Much of her preferred music is severely outdated, and as an adult she’s kind of obsessed with Power Rangers. She has her BA from Northern Kentucky University in Speech Communication and History (she doesn’t totally get the connection either), and her MA in English and Creative Writing.


Starr Gone
(Starr Fall # 3)

by Kim Briggs 

Publisher: InkSpell Publishing
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

A Starr gone. A team betrayed. 

You never know who your true friends are until a gun’s pointed at you. One will take a bullet, and the other will pull the trigger. Starr learned that lesson the hard way.

The perfect smile. A killer attitude. General Treadwell wanted nothing more than to turn Starr Bishop into the ideal assassin, but she’s far more valuable as Jessica Chamberlain, granddaughter and heir to Chamberlain Chocolates. Luckily, he’s found two enthusiastic replacements. They lack Starr’s intelligence, but no matter, they possess their own weapons of persuasion along with a flair for the dramatic, and that’s never a bad thing.

Di, along with Christian, Frank, Ben and Coda, are determined to keep Starr safe, but the depths of betrayal crack the very foundation of the team. When Starr becomes a pawn in a game of power, money, and manipulation, Di channels her WWSD (What Would Starr Do) to rally the team. She owes her best friend that much. No... More.


Publication Date: June 3, 2017
Pre-order Links: 

Kim Briggs once smashed into a tree while skiing. The accident led to a concussion, a cracked sternum, temporary notoriety as a sixth grader returned from the dead, and the realization that fictionalized accounts are way more interesting than just slipping on the ice.

An unhealthy obsession with conspiracy theories combined with a love of travel and happily ever afters led Kim to write her YA novel, Starr Fall, where a secret organization decides 17-year-old Starr Bishop is not only the model student, but the ideal assassin. While in hiding, Starr meets dark, moody, and dead sexy Christian Evergood. Cue the swoon worthy music.

When she’s not doing something writerly, Kim can be found jumping into snowdrifts with her three kids, husband, and dog. She’s careful to avoid trees. 
INKSisters Write 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

#IWSG - It's MAY? When did that happen? And, the release of Hero Lost!

Hello Blogger Peeps! Howyoudoin?

I feel like April was a big blur and now I'm into May, which is great, but it's like the 5th month of the new year already and I've gotten like absolutely nothing done.


Well, today is a new day.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post.  The question is optional!
May 3 Question: What is the weirdest/coolest thing you ever had to research for your story?

Please feel free to check out my very first IWSG Admin post on the main site HERE! It's all about the new anthology release, the blog tour, and links to the awesome authors!

As for the question of the month? Let's just say that I've most likely been on an FBI watch list for a really long time.

My browser history must look like I'm an OCD serial killer who likes to cook for large crowds and play with Legos.

Just yesterday I was researching on my phone how long it takes for a body to start to smell after a violent death.

True story.

If I wasn't a writer some of you would be concerned. :)


Hero Lost
Mysteries of Death and Life
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
Can a lost hero find redemption?
What if Death himself wanted to die? Can deliverance be found on a bloody battlefield? Could the gift of silvering become a prison for those who possessed it? Will an ancient warrior be forever the caretaker of a house of mystery?
Delving into the depths of the tortured hero, twelve authors explore the realms of fantasy in this enthralling and thought-provoking collection. Featuring the talents of Jen Chandler, L. Nahay, Renee Cheung, Roland Yeomans, Elizabeth Seckman, Olga Godim, Yvonne Ventresca, Ellen Jacobson, Sean McLachlan, Erika Beebe, Tyrean Martinson, and Sarah Foster.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these twelve tales will take you into the heart of heroes who have fallen from grace. Join the journey and discover a hero’s redemption!
In this marvelous collection of speculative fiction, we journey through twelve wonderfully written tales to find out if the tortured hero can be redeemed. - Christine Rains, author
The authors have done us a favour by all being darned good at their craft. Recommended for fantasy fans. - Gordon Long, author

Print ISBN 9781939844361 $14.95
eBook ISBN 9781939844378 $4.99


eBook -
Stop in on Friday for 2, count them 2, cover reveals!