It was a lot of fun. Thanks for joining us.
I'm so glad that I can help out my blog friends even just a little.
Not much to report today.
Had the fire department carnival from Wednesday to Saturday last week.
Still in recovery mode. Standing and hawking for a few days does take its toll.
Was completely over-served on Friday night after carnival.
Got another rejection for MC2 Saturday.
Signed the BOY up for a summer scouts program. I have no idea what that means, but I guess between that and football practice, which starts next month, he will have something to do other than bother me all summer long.
I'm very honored to be co-hosting Wednesday's Insecure Writer's Support Group! Here is a note from Sir Alex himself!
Our next post date is Wednesday, July 2.
Be sure to display the badge and link to either the IWSG site - or the sign-up here –
Based on feedback from members, some suggestions:
* Short posts, 300 words or less
* Remove word verification (you’d be surprised how many have it on
and don’t know it)
* Return comments and visit those who visit you
The list is culled every month, removing those who miss two months in
a row. We hate to cut anyone, but this improves the experience for those who do
participate. You are always welcome to sign up again when you’re
I can’t visit everyone (no matter how hard I try!) and appreciate the
assistance of my co-hosts. For July 2, they are –
Krista McLaughlin -
Kim Van Sickler -
Heather M. Gardner -
Hart Johnson -
We are also trying to get the IWSG on the
Writers Digest Best 101 Websites list! Please email
them at, subject line 101 Websites, and suggest the IWSG -
See you back here on Wednesday!