Monday, February 29, 2016

#amwriting? #amtrying & The MEME Blog Hop Week begins!

Oh, hellllloooooo!

(Did you hear Mrs. Doubtfire's voice?)

Did everyone have a nice weekend?

The weather is improving very quickly here. Guess the rodent from PA was right!

I didn't write any new words last week, BUT I copied almost 1700 words out of my notebook onto the computer, so there's that.

I'm hoping to clean it up this week and write some new stuff to go with it. I need to find my groove!!


Christine RainsC. Lee McKenzie, and Tara Tyler are hosting A MEME Blog Hop to help chase away the winter blues with some Encouraging, Inspiring, and Funny MEMEs! Join us the week of Feb 29 - Mar 4!
Easy Peasy "rules"
  1. Post a MEME during the week (use your own pic or an easy meme maker app) - and if you can't think of anything, pass on encouraging words from one of your reviews, or an inspiring quote! 
  2. Visit others
  3. That's it!
Then the awesome hostesses will hop around and Ooo and Ahh and choose one entry each to win an ebook. AND two lucky random participants will win a $20 GC. Enter and spread some warmth!

I'm going to try and do 3 MEMEs for the Blog Hop this week, MWF. It's kind of fun. :)

Here is my first MEME ever!


Sign-up for The 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge!

The A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal list can be found here!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Cover Reveal for Alyse Miller & Let's laugh more!

First off...Cover Reveal for Alyse Miller's Untangling the Stars.

Title: Untangling the Stars
Author: Alyse Miller
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Release Date: May 2016
ISBN: 9781939590756

Even a bad romance can have a happy ending.

Staying true to her own character has never been a problem for Dr. Alessandra Foxglove. Andie has devoted herself to teaching others, and – not to toot her own horn – she’s damned good at it, too. A beloved college professor and engaged social activist, Andie has her heart – and both her hands – full.

So when celebrity bad boy Guy Wilder wanders into her classroom one day by accident, Andie doesn’t think much of it at first. There are guest speakers at the university on a daily basis – although none as devilishly handsome as primetime’s favorite preternatural lady-killer with lightning bolt blue eyes, Silas Dove. But when he shows up again the next day after a capricious goodbye, Andie begins to see that there’s more going on behind the scenes with this brooding, bad boy star. And even though she’s built a career on analyzing the human reaction to Hollywood’s most sexy and dangerous characters, she can’t help herself from falling under the very same spell she preaches against. Besides, with cheekbones like that, she couldn’t say no if she tried.


Preorder Links

Alyse Miller is a contemporary women's fiction author with a penchant for romantic and speculative twists. While she writes comfortably across several genres, Alyse especially enjoys writing for a new adult audience and exploring the emotions of romance and the growth of the human spirit as it transitions from adolescence into adulthood.

She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Women's Fiction Writer's Association, and the Author's Guild. Alyse is currently represented by InkSpell Publishing.

Twitter: @thealysemiller


Happy Friday folks.

I stole a few funnies from my Facebook feed to share with you all. Yet, as I scrolled, I realized that the funny posts were few and far between much more serious posts.

Must remedy that. More humor is needed in this world! 

Laugh more!


Sign-up for The 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge!

The A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal list can be found here!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The scream heard 'round my living room -- #TheXFiles Returns

**No actual show spoilers, but I do discuss The X-Files latest episode, so if you don't want even a whiff, cause you haven't seen it, please feel free to skip to the end!**

Sure. I could tell you that I didn't blog on Monday because I was already in mourning for my absolute favorite show only having one more episode left that very night.

I could tell you that I didn't blog on Tuesday because I was devastated that my absolute favorite show was really over and I couldn't bring myself to write a blog post while I was suffering from depression.

I could tell you that. But, it's not true.


Okay. Monday came and went and I missed the whole thing.


The X-Files did have it's Season Finale on Monday and it was awesome.

Note the words Season Finale and not Series Finale.

Words have weight.


You might have heard my silent scream from wherever you live.(Silent because the 10 year old was already asleep.)

So, we KNOW they're going to do something else with the show. Either more episodes or a movie.

I think I'd prefer a movie to wrap it all up, but they don't have the best track record with those.

If they do produce more episodes, I don't want them to just hand it over to the newfangled Mulder aka Agent Miller and the un-improved Scully aka Agent Einstein. (Stupid name in my opinion.)

That would SUCK!

Too bad they won't be asking me for advice any time soon.

I have saved all 6 episodes and will be watching them over again. (and over again) Once I do, I will be sharing some thoughts and funnies. Stay tuned!


Sign-ups for The 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge have surpassed 800 participants! Have you signed up yet?


The A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal list is going strong at 164 sign-ups! Will you reveal your theme in March?

Friday, February 19, 2016

A quick hello and a Cover Reveal for Sarah Vance-Tompkins!

I'm introducing myself over on the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Blog today. Come on by and say hello.

Not much else going on with me, but thanks for all the nice comments from Wednesday. It's nice to know so many of us are befuddled!


Cover reveal for Sarah Vance-Tompkins from InkSpell Publishing!

Kisses on a Paper Airplane

By Sarah Vance-Tomkins
Cover Designer: Najla Qamber Designs
Drama student Hannah Evans isn't kissing any frogs on her path to find Prince Charming. She's determined to share the perfect first kiss -- with the perfect boy -- in the perfect place -- or she's not kissing at all. When Hannah meets a cute ginger-haired boy in first class lounge in the London airport, she knows he's 'The One.'

Pop star Theo Callahan is on the road to get as far away as possible from his back-stabbing best friend, and his supermodel girlfriend who broke his heart. Until one shy smile from Hannah has him rethinking all of his travel plans.

Theo is smitten, but he's worried she's just a groupie in search of the ultimate selfie. Can Theo learn to trust Hannah in time to share one perfect first kiss, or will Hannah be forced to kiss a frog?

ISBN ebook: 978-1-939590-73-2

Pre-Order at:

About the Author:
Sarah Vance-Tompkins was born in a small town in northern Michigan. She received an MFA in Film Production from the University of Southern California, and went on to work in feature film development. Prior to film school, she wrote and produced radio and television commercials. A working writer, she has been paid to write everything from obituaries and press releases to breathless descriptions of engagement rings. She and her husband, The Handsomest Man Alive™, live in Southern California with three cats.