Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Déjà vu Blogfest is here and #IWSG news!

Happy New Year to some of you and Happy 'almost' New Year to others! We are about 12 hours away here in NY state from the midnight hour.

I don't put much stock in resolutions or reflections at this point in my life. Just put my head down and keep moving forward as best I can.


From DL Hammons: How this blogfest works is so simple I can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to do it. Sign-up to participate with Mr. Linky below, then sometime during the weekend of December 30th thru Jan 1st re-post your favorite blog offering from earlier in the year, or one that you believe failed to receive the exposure it deserved. On that weekend what everyone will be reading is the best of the best (as determined by you) from this year.  The blogosphere will be chock full 2017 writing brilliance!  Encouragement, enlightenment, knowledge, bared souls, stimulation, hilarity, insecurities, success stories!  All on display…the very same day.  And it couldn't be any easier to take writing necessary! J
Please sign-up and then shout out to all of your blogging friends and encourage them to sign up as well.  Take the badge above and plaster it everywhere, blogging graffiti gone wild. Tweet about it (#dejavu2017) and post the picture on Instagram. Sign up below and start looking through those old posts! 
This is a Blog Hop!

You are next... Click here to enter
This list will close in 3 days, 18 hrs, 16 min (1/3/2018 3:41 PM North America - Central Standard Time)

What is a blog hop?
Get the code here...

I do enjoy a good blogfest and I've done the Deja Vu blogfest a few times.

There's still time to join us if you're interested. It can't get much easier than sharing a post you've already written! 

I've chosen a fun post from July 2017 that stars Stormy the Weather Gnome and his new police officer friend.

Check out Stop! In the name of the (Gnome) LAW! HERE


Two things from the IWSG! We now have an Instagram page, run by our new admin Tyrean Martinson!


The next #IWSGPit will be Thursday, January 18, 2018! 
8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time 

Get more information HERE!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Special Visit from Tara Tyler, #IWSG Twitter Pitch in Jan & The X-Files returns..again!

I love having visitors over! Welcome back, Tara, and congratulations on your latest release...Disposal!
Best of luck and best wishes!

Li'l Stormy - Another Gnome Adventure...

Here's a little Stormy limerick - just for Heather and her fans!

Hope you enjoyed my tribute to Stormy the weather gnome!

Thanks so much, Heather for having me at your place. It's been too long. Love what you've done! And so glad our friendship has lasted through the years - they fly by so quickly. Our boys are evidence of that!

DISPOSAL by Tara Tyler
Pop Travel, Book Three

Cooper and Geri are finally in a good place, but their bliss is short-lived when Cooper's rebellious nephew Jimmy moves in with them for a summer internship. He hits the town hard and thinks he's found the girl of his dreams in an fiery, exotic beauty. Against all words of warning, he pursues her and ends up getting kidnapped by her powerful Drug Lord father. Geri tracks him down, but gets herself kidnapped as well.

Now it's up to Cooper to use all his resources to save them, including the hot homicide detective Geri secretly despises, and the latest sketchy gadgets his genius friend Hasan offers him to field-test. Sure, why not? Cooper will do anything to get his family back.
About the Author:
Tara Tyler is a math teacher who writes to share her passion for reading with others. She loves dogs, coffee, and is the lazy housewife, living in a world of boys with three sons and a coach husband. Join her for an adventure!

Book One           Book Two

And this week only - all of Tara Tyler's other titles are ON SALE for 99 cents on Kindle!


We are only a month away from the next IWSG Twitter Pitch!
The next #IWSGPit will be Thursday, January 18, 2018!  8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Create a Twitter-length pitch for your completed and polished manuscript and leave room for genre, age, and the hashtag. On January 18, Tweet your pitch.
If your pitch receives a favorite/heart from a publisher/agent check their submission guidelines and send your requested query.
Head over HERE for more info!

As you might have heard...The X-Files will return in January for another season!
It looks like we get 10 episodes this time.
I'm hoping that they spent enough time on these episodes to really give us a cohesive story line. Season 10 had its share of issues, but I think they were just excited to get it back on the air to pay attention to all the important details.
Even with the issues, I did enjoy watching The X-Files again and I will be watching it come January!


Happy -- Merry -- Festive

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

#IWSG Posting Day! I'm sharing my shiny new title and blurb!!!

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
December 6 question - As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently? Remember, the question is optional!!!

Alex's awesome co-hosts for the December 6 posting of the IWSG are Julie Flanders, Shannon Lawrence, Fundy Blue, and...drum roll... Heather Gardner! 

  Be sure to visit the
Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website!!!


This is how I wish my life was going...'s actually more like this...

Really. I shouldn't even compare myself to Sandra Bullock. She looks glamorous while she's falling.

The important part is, we get back up when we fall and move on with our day...right?

I may have told you guys already that I finally came up with a name for book 3...

And Then You Fall


Also, I wrote a blurb!

Assistant Chief Bobby Maguire doesn’t need more problems in his small town, yet that’s exactly what he gets. Within the last year his family has had to deal with hitmen and an arsonist. Now, there’s Bobby’s stalker ex-girlfriend and a drug-dealing cult.  It’s real bad timing to get propositioned by a woman he can’t recall, but once he has a taste, he can’t forget her.

Cassidy has finally found her happy place. As the brew master of the new local bar she’s excited to share her beer brewing talents with Maguire’s Corner. Getting involved with the infamous Bobby Maguire should have been a momentary, albeit intoxicating, distraction. However, it puts more than just her heart at risk - it puts a target on her back.

When Bobby gets accused of murder it begins a chain of events that will leave him broken down, hollowed out, and rubbed raw. With the whole town now the focus of the cult leader’s anger, will Bobby be able to save himself, help his family, and get the chance to prove to Cassidy he’s more than his reputation?

I'm liking it so far, but I may tweak it here and there.

I'm still working on the dreaded synopsis. It's about half done, and getting long, so I may have to nip and tuck that as well.

Writing this stuff takes time, which I never really account for in my head. I always think I should just start getting it out there, but this will be the first things they ask me for.

One step at a time. We keep moving forward!

How about you guys? Got stuff to share?


Don't forget the next IWSG Twitter Pitch is coming up on Thursday, January 18, 2018, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time!

Follow the above link for all the details!!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Today we pay tribute with our REMAKES BLOGFEST!!!

***NOTE: Sorry...if I could ever figure out the difference between AM and PM this post would have been on time!!!***


Remakes Blogfest!

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner.

Remakes – most of them suck. Now and then, one comes along that is as good as, if not better, than the original. And after all of the bad ones we’ve endured, we want to know about some good ones.

On November 13, 2017, blog about your favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! Post a YouTube video and links where we can find these treasures. Tell us why THIS remake doesn’t suck! 

Sign up below. Post on November 13 and visit others on the list. Time to unearth those good remakes!


This is going to be awesome. I can't wait to see what you guys came up with because that means I get to hear about things that I didn't even know about yet!!

So...let's get started.


Currently, my favorite remake is Lethal Weapon.

In 1987 this movie was a lot of fun. Suicidal cop meets one-foot-in-retirement cop and high jinks ensue. But, it was a cheesy eighties cop movie through and through.

Today...It's a TV show starring Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans. It just started its second season and it's SO much better than the movies.

I have a whole post about how much I love Mr. Crawford and Lethal Weapon with some very flattering images of Mr. Crawford as Riggs...HERE. :)

My favorite quote from Mr. Crawford in a recent interview..."I don’t think we ever want Riggs healthy. The more Riggs is a mess, the more fun it is."

Here is one of the second season promo's about the Riggs and Murtaugh Bromance...


This one is tough. There are A LOT of really good remakes of songs.

This is one of my favorites. It's haunting and broody and the lead singers voice is tremendous.

Disturbed performs The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkle.  

More awesome remakes:

Alien Ant Farm performs Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson

Five Finger Death Punch performs Bad Company by Bad Company 

Shinedown performs Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Metallica performs Whiskey in the Jar based on Thin Lizzy's version of like every Irish folk singer ever

Bush performs Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones

The Fugees perform Killing Me Softly by Roberta Flack

Soft Cell performs Tainted Love by Gloria Jones

Jimi Hendrix performs All Along the Watchtower by Bob Dylan

I'm sure there are a million more that I can't think of, but you get the idea! Thank you so much for visiting! I'm off to read your blogs!


This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Remakes Blogfest is right around the corner!

Alex J. Cavanaugh and I are very excited to host this blogfest!!

So many great choices out there for remakes!

TV---->Movies---->TV (I've got one for this!)

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Make sure you sign-up below!!

Remakes Blogfest!

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner.

Remakes – most of them suck. Now and then, one comes along that is as good as, if not better, than the original. And after all of the bad ones we’ve endured, we want to know about some good ones.

On November 13, 2017, blog about your favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! Post a YouTube video and links where we can find these treasures. Tell us why THIS remake doesn’t suck!

Sign up below. Post on November 13 and visit others on the list. Time to unearth those good remakes!


This linky list is now closed.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

#IWSG Posting Day & what's that? A Blogfest you say?!?!

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Remember, the question is optional!!!

November 1 Question: Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?

Alex J. Cavanaugh's awesome co-hosts for the November 1 posting of the IWSG are Tonja Drecker, Diane Burton, MJ Fifield, and Rebecca Douglass!

Be sure to visit the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website!!!   

Hello my fellow Bloggers and Blogettes!


It's the day after Halloween and I'm hoping that you have lots of candy to keep you going today because you probably stayed up too late last night either Trick or Treating, hanging at some costume party, or watching a scary movie marathon!

The Boy as Ghost Rider (2017)

Am I insecure this month? Yep.

I'm 99% sure that I have figured out my title for book 3 in the MC series, which is great because I was really starting to wonder if this was just going to be 'Book 3' or 'Bobby's book' for all time.

If I ever want to see this book published, I have to do the other hard parts, like the blurb and the synopsis.

I'm just not very good at them. Really not good at them. Anyone got a magic formula for either of these torture devices?


Happy NaNoWriMo Day you crazy writing peoples! Best of luck and...


Don't forget to get your FREE copy
of the IWSG's new book...

And please leave a review on Amazon!



Remakes Blogfest!

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner.

Remakes – most of them suck. Now and then, one comes along that is as good as, if not better, than the original. And after all of the bad ones we’ve endured, we want to know about some good ones.

On November 13, 2017, blog about your favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! Post a YouTube video and links where we can find these treasures. Tell us why THIS remake doesn’t suck!

Sign up below. Post on November 13 and visit others on the list. Time to unearth those good remakes!


This linky list is now closed.