Monday, January 21, 2013

Stuff to share...

There is stuff...going on out there...that I thought if you didn't know about...that you might want to know about.


January 28, 2013


March 18, 2013

Want to know what this is all about? ME TOO! Ninja Alex says he will share the topic for this BLOGFEST in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned!


April 2013 

April is just a few months away. Who wants to join me this year in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge? Sign up starts at the end of this month!

I'm sure there is something out there for February but I didn't run across one this morning.

Hope you guys are all working hard or writing a lot or looking good!

I know I am!


  1. Thanks for mentioning my blogfest, Heather! Soon all will be revealed...
    Ready to rock with the other blogfest and the Challenge.

  2. Lots going on! I'm all ready to re-introduce myself and for Alex's new blogfest. Thank you so much for your review of The Alpha on Amazon.

  3. I'm gonna try to go them ALL! Not sure about the A to Z at this point since its so labor intensive & I have little of that these days. Gonna try though. And ain't it just like that Alex to keep us all in suspense?

  4. Thanks for the info... KEEP ON WRITING!!!!

  5. All of those are already on my radar, but thanks for thinking of us! :)

  6. I haven't decided on the A to Z challenge yet. But I am totally on board for the other two blogfests.

  7. Yep doing both of these. But I'd forgotten the hosts for Re-Intro so I'm glad you mentioned it. I've got a bad habit of signing up for blogfests then forgetting who to link back to... lol!

  8. hey lady! looking forward to all this...working on my a to z concept, lazy housewife tips or editing tips...hmmm

  9. Hi Heather,

    Ah yes, all those fun blogfests and I'm delighted for those who get involved. A good way to interact and for some, a way to get 'followers'. Personally, I don't do them, although I do have good natured banter with my satire postings on the A to Z thing.

    The "Groundblog Day" blogfest : Wouldn't it be great for a blogfest? This would be where we repeat the same paragraph, over and over again. Yes indeed, a paragraph that repeats over and over and over...If you get what I mean?

    Wouldn't it be great for a blogfest? This would be where we repeat the same paragraph, over and over again. Yes indeed, a paragraph that repeats over and over and over...If you get what I mean?

    Wouldn't it be great for a blogfest? This would be where we repeat the same paragraph, over and over again. Yes indeed, a paragraph that repeats over and over and over...If you get what I mean?

  10. Nice to meet you! Please visit us at


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