Monday, March 31, 2014

#atozchallenge - Stormy inspires the troops & finally thinks up a theme.

Today, Stormy the Weather Gnome is giving a rousing speech to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge troops!

Make sure to go check him out HERE!

Late last night, Stormy finally came up with an idea for tomorrow's Challenge which means I will be spending the rest of today trying to make it happen. 

I must be crazy.

I work better under a little pressure, but come on, Stormy, less than 24 hours? Really?

Silly Gnome.

Make sure to visit his Sidekicks during the Challenge, too! He loves that!

Stormy's Sidekicks
Suz at Suzi's Ice Box Art
Teresa at FanGirlNextDoor
Sue Ann at 'Homecoming' Blog - See more at:
Stormy's Sidekicks
Suz at Suzi's Ice Box Art
Teresa at FanGirlNextDoor
Sue Ann at 'Homecoming' Blog - See more at:

Stormy's Sidekicks
Suz at Suzi's Ice Box Art
Teresa at FanGirlNextDoor
Sue Ann at 'Homecoming' Blog - See more at:
Stormy's Sidekicks
Suz at Suzi's Ice Box Art
Teresa at FanGirlNextDoor
Sue Ann at 'Homecoming' Blog

Anyone else still working on their Challenge posts?

Friday, March 28, 2014

National Caffeine Awareness Month? What the ... ?

I thought they were kidding.

But, they're not.

It's National Caffeine Awareness Month. 

They have a website and everything.

I'm aware that I don't have enough caffeine.

I'm aware that my coffee cup is empty.

I'm aware that the coffee is the only thing keeping me from sleeping on the keyboard right now.

So, how will I celebrate this awareness? 

More coffee!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! It's Monday.

Hi guys!

It's Monday.

My whole house has been Down with the Sickness this past week/weekend.

We blame the child.

Surprisingly, he didn't get it from school but either from going to the movies or from the firehouse St. Patrick's Day Dinner.

Germy evil kid.

The husband and I still have it, its a lingering snotfest that we just wish would end.

I thought we could open the windows this week to release the plague but alas, it is still freakin' cold and we might get snow this Wednesday. 

Freakin' non-existent spring.

I'm done bitchin'...for now.


If you would like to hear me talk briefly about 'hot guys', I'm guest-posting at the AReCAFE today! Go HERE to check it out!


I swore this year I would have all my A to Z posts written ahead of April 1st.

I promised myself I would because being a co-host I need the extra time to work on my section of the list and to visit blogs and solve problems and such.

It was a moral imperative. 

Yeah, ask me how that went.


I suck!

Stormy sucks!

He's got nothing.

He was supposed to have all these great ideas by now!

He's got like ... six.


That's not getting me anywhere!


Something better come to him soon or he and I are going to have ... a conversation!


How's your Monday going?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Four cats to rule them all!

It's all just cats today.

Instead of complaining about things that I can't control, or do anything about currently, I'm going to share some cat photos.


Happy Friday!

Ted. In a box.

Mulder. Completely asleep.

Scully, Ted, Squishy, Mulder.


Mulder. In a box.

Ted. Scully.



Mulder. Scully.

Scully with her boy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Stormy the Weather Gnome's guest post! #atozchallenge


It's me, Stormy the Weather Gnome.

I'm not here today, I'm over at the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge blog discussing a way to get through the mid-challenge slump.

You won't want to miss it!

Have you told every blogger you know about the A to Z Challenge? They've just hit over 1300 participants. But, there's always room for more.

They don't have to be blogs about writing, they can be about anything at all. The challenge is all about meeting new people and learning new things.

You should tell someone. 


No, now.


Tell someone.

I mean it.

What are you still doing here?


Stormy out!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Stop the lights, I'm up to ninety!

According to my book, The feckin' book of everything Irish, my post title means "WOW, I'm really busy!".

I can't stay today friends.

I've got 'work' work to do. That stuff I actually get paid for.

"I'm takin' what their givin'
'cause I'm workin' for a livin'."

But, I'll be back.

Oh, and it's St. Patrick's Day.

Just remember, to be really Irish today, you need to sing while you work, smile through your suffering, and celebrate your defeats as hard as you celebrate your victories.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cover Reveal!! Yeah, I'm sharing one!!

You know you love 'em.
Cover reveals are the best!
All shiny and new!
Fresh from the package!
Full of potential and excitement!
I'm lucky enough to have one for you today!
Let's go check it out!
Over the Ocean
When Bree meets Logan, and hears his oh-so-sexy British accent, it's lust at first sight.

Bree thinks Logan feels the same way, especially when they're snuggled up on her couch with his tongue down her throat. But when Logan decides that getting into a relationship when he only has a few months left in the States is a bad idea, Bree agrees to be "just friends."

But every time he flashes his swoon-worthy smile, complete with dimples, Bree has a hard time keeping her thoughts in the "friend zone."

Add it on Goodreads


About the author: Georgia St. Mane is married with four kids. She's passionate about writing, reading, and theater. She thinks everyone deserves their own love story. Georgia also writes YA as Rachel Schieffelbein.
Georgia St. Mane on Facebook.

Oh, I love that teaser!
Well, I want to read this without a doubt. She had me at 'swoon-worthy'!

How about you guys?

Monday, March 10, 2014

It's Monday ... to the 2nd power.

It's an angry day.

Angst from last week is leaking into this week. Already.

I'm still on my first pot of coffee.

I hate drama. Hate it.

It's like high school.

I hated high school, too.

I'm going to listen to my angry music and try to get some perspective.

Metallica, Korn, Disturbed, Manson, Tool, Saliva, Zombie, Linkin Park, NIN, System of a Down and, of course, Godsmack.

Then I'm going to finish this query.

Then I'm going to find the cookies.

Thanks for all your nice comments the last few blog posts. You've been great.

I really hope this will be the last of the crappy posts and I can get back to my usual sarcastic ones instead. :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Yesterday is history ... Tomorrow is a ...

Yesterday is history.

And it sucked.

Sucked SO much that my husband bought me a box of these...

Yep. It's like that.

By the way, if you need to know 10 Things You Didn't Know About Mallomars, then go HERE.

I didn't know any of that and now I feel fully informed as well as happily full. :)

Tomorrow is a mystery.

It's actually laundry day but you never know. I might find some change in my husband's pants pockets or a rock in my sons.

Today is a gift. That's why it's called the Present. (stolen from Kung Fu Panda)

I can't overlook the fact that I have lots to be thankful for.

I'm pullin' up my big girl pants and movin' on.

Let's enjoy today!

It's Friday.

I've got a cup of coffee.

A few Mallomars left in the box.

I'm breathing.

I'm heading back into query land.


Did you sign-up for the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge yet?

1058 bloggers can't be wrong! :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

#IWSG - Blood, Boobs & Carnage!

Blood, Boobs & Carnage!

I love that title!

I stole it.

From Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Who, by the way, is only 7 new friends away from his Epic 2000 Follower Giveaway! 

Today is the March edition of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

Alex came up with this, too. He's pretty freakin' awesome.

If you want to join the group, or find the webpage and Facebook page (718 members strong), check the link above and get involved with this great group of people.
So, what to write about today.

Blood, Boobs & Carnage!!!

It's just so catchy.

Alex was referring to the movies when he coined that phrase. I prefer those types of movies myself. We usually call them Hack & Slash movies from my D&D days.

I'm not big on thinkin' movies. I don't read a lot of thinkin' books either. But throw in some Blood, Boobs & Carnage and I'm right there!

Okay. This post is going nowhere fast.

Insecure? Yeah, that's me.

For reasons that shall remain unspoken right now, I need to find a new publisher for my second book in my MC series. 

Starting over is one huge, hairy, scary proposition. I honestly didn't think I'd have to pimp myself out again so soon but it's got to be done if I want MC2 to get published.

And, I really do.

So, I'm back on the hunt, working on a query letter and researching submission guidelines.

I'm not happy.

But, I'm determined.

Are you feeling insecure?
Do you watch movies with Blood, Boobs & Carnage?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stormy the Weather Gnome unleashes ... the Sidekicks!


So, it occurs to me that it's the 4th of March already.

That means that the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge is less than a month away. (Have you signed up yet?)


When did that happen?

I have no idea but its getting close and Stormy the Weather Gnome would really like for y'all to meet his new friends, so without further... hey,.,. wait.-. hey.........

This is Stormy the Weather Gnome breaking in to the blog lady's blog to introduce you to my Sidekicks!

Stormy's Sidekicks
Suz just happens to be the blog lady's mother. She's newly retired, offensively crafty, and highly motivated.
  Teresa at FanGirlNextDoor
Teresa is the ultimate Fangirl and puts the grrrr in girl! Smart, funny, and equal opportunity Geek!
  Sue Ann at 'Homecoming' Blog
Author and Alaskan extraordinaire, Sue Ann will be filling the challenge days with WEATHER and SCIENCE! Science Fiction, that is. ;)

I'm honored to have such awesome sidekicks!

Sure, I don't have as many as the other co-hosts but the blog lady is such a control freak I'm lucky I got these three!

(Really, if you want in, new faces are welcome. Don't tell her I said that.)

Well, I'm off to go do gnome things.

Have a great day and make sure you go visit and follow Stormy's Sidekicks!