Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Tuesday - 9/13/2011

Wrote over 800 words on Maguire's Corner.

I read over what I had written both days. It's foundation only and needs a lot of primping and smoothing but its a good start.

Today I will write in the afternoon instead of the morning.

Hopefully I will find my groove then too.

Did you guys sign up for Alex J. Cavanaugh's Worst Movies Ever Blogfest yet? You still have time before September 19th!

Also, Talli Roland's new book Watching Willow Watts is being released today. She's having a shindig on her blog!

Off to get a list of stuff completed. I might just break down and buy Thor today.


  1. Yesterday was kind of an 'off' day for me. I couldn't write anything good. Hopefully that will change today. Have a great day!

  2. 800 words is fantastic. I'm slowly finishing chapter 6 and then the edits should go at a much quicker pace!

  3. You're getting a lot done! And thanks for mentioning the blogfest. Monday will be drowning in sucky movies for sure.

  4. Thanks for reminding me about Thor! Gotta go to the movie store :)

    Great word count!

  5. i might have to get thor too. great that you're writing!

  6. Jess - I understand. I had an off couple of months! It does change.

    Tracey - Thank you. It feels really good.

    Alex - I can't wait to drown in sucky movies...again...that didn't sound right.

    Murees - Thank you!

    Donna - I know! I grabbed Thor at Wal-Mart for $23! Blu-Ray!

    Tara - I couldn't wait for Netflix. Hopefully we will watch it tonight! YEAH!

    Thanks for stopping in!

  7. Gosh! I've been having a lot of off days lately. I need to find that right time of day too, the problem is I get really inspired around the time the kids gets home :).


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