Friday, February 27, 2015

Excerpt Day! - 2 weeks til OGC release day!

Happy Friday!

We are just starting to feel a little better around here. Thank you for all the 'well' wishes.

I'm thinking if we could open all the doors and windows it would kill all the germs in this house, but its still only 9 degrees outside.

I think the cats might get a little upset.


Only two more weeks (3-13-2015) until the book comes out, so I thought I would share a little excerpt with you today from One Good Catch.

Rhys shook his head. “That’s not why I asked you to meet me.”
“Just two friends meeting for coffee, right?”
“Oh. We’re not friends?”
“I’d say there’s more to it than that.”
Kate gave him a smile. “Friends with benefits?”
“I think we need to make some important decisions. What happened between us the other day was....”
“Just the beginning.”
Kate’s heart fluttered in her chest. “Maybe, it was just a kiss.”
“Then why do I want to kiss you again?” Rhys asked.
“You do?”
“And more.”
Rhys leaned toward her, lowering his voice. “Lots more. Hours of more.”
Kate’s lips parted on a shaky breath. “Hours? More sounds really good.”
“More is the best. But, more comes with strings.” 

Those damn strings!
Thanks for coming by today!

This weekend I'll be selling raffle tickets at the Cabin Fever Clam Bake at the firehouse and to a baby shower.

What are you up to this weekend?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bits and pieces and sniffles.

It's Wednesday.

The Gardner family is under the weather ... again.



I heard Don Henley's The Boys of Summer on the radio this morning. Isn't that a sure sign of spring? 


Have you joined the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge yet?

There are 739 participants as of this morning!

224 of them have joined the The A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

It's going to be pretty epic!

We also have Twitter Chats every Thursday at 1pm and 8pm EST (NY, USA)! Come hang out and chat with us!

#atozchallenge #azchat


If you're interested in helping out, you can always join my Sidekick Team! We could use 1 or 2 more peeps! Leave a comment or email me! (


One Good Catch comes out in 2 weeks from this Friday! So excited!

You can add OGC to your Goodreads TBR list!

It's also #64 on the 2015 Romantic Releases (JANUARY to MARCH) list! Voting is optional, but appreciated. (Thank you to you guys that did vote!)

If you want to see some pictures I used for inspiration head on over to my OGC Pinterest page!

I post a lot of info and hot guy pictures on my Facebook Author page: HeatherWritesRomance too!

And, of course I have some info on OGC on this blog!

I think that's it. I think. :)
Back to work!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I could use a Time-Turner or maybe just a slap in the face!

Feast or famine.

Ever hear that term?

I'm sure you have. Sometimes we have nothing at all to do and sometimes its like the flood gates have opened up and you're doing the doggy paddle to keep your head above the water.

My son has decided to do the Science Fair again this year. Hello Lava Lamps. That's due this Friday.

He also has a biography report to do, which needs to be artsy/fartsy and on poster board, due next week.

Yes, these are his projects, but they require a certain amount of 'mom help' in the purchasing of supplies department and the 'Get Your Butt Moving' motivational department.

I'm giving One Good Catch a final looksee now that its been formatted. (squee!)

I'm supposed to be editing Already Home which is coming out again in April. (AHHH!)

The A to Z Challenge is right around the corner and I'm ... of course ... themeless at the moment.

The first 2 Twitter Chats for A to Z are tomorrow.

Spread the word!
#‎AtoZChallenge‬ ‪#‎AZchat‬ First Twitter Chat this Thursday, 2-19-2015, 1pm EST (NY, USA) & 8pm EST (NY, USA) - Bring your questions!

I shouldn't be complaining. These are all really awesome things.

I just need better time management skills to get through it all. Or a Time-Turner!

Yeah, I know.

Stop goofing off and get back to it!

Okay. Okay. You don't have to be so bossy!

Have a great day!


I'm on a Goodreads list!

2015 Romantic Releases (January to March)!

If you're on Goodreads you can vote to push One Good Catch up higher on the list!


I still have room for a few good Sidekicks! If you're interested leave me a note in the comments or email me! (

Monday, February 16, 2015

To theme or not to theme...that is the A to Z Question!

The Great and Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal Blogfest!

Sign-ups for the 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge are already under way. If you have done it before, you know how much fun it is (good for you!) and if you have not, this is your chance to give it a try! You can sign up to participate here.

One of the most burning questions participants ask themselves every year is: "Should I have a theme?"

Themes are not mandatory, but definitely fun. They let your visitors know what to expect, and help you create posts that line neatly up from A to Z. They also have an added bonus: They let you participate in a whole separate blogfest!

Two years ago A to Z participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal, and we thought it was such a great idea that we made it tradition. It is now our very own, grand and festive way of rolling out our themes together!

Here is how the Theme Reveal Blogfest works:

Sign up on the Linky list below, and on March 23rd (Monday) publish a post on your blog in which you reveal your theme, tell us why it is exciting, and give us a hint of what to expect from it! Then, once your post is up, use the Linky to visit all the other blogs announcing their themes. Enjoy!

This is a great opportunity for all of you to get a jump start on your A to Z experience. You can link up with fellow bloggers, scout out and bookmark themes that you look forward to, and set out delicious themed bait on your blog to lure in wandering participants! This way, by the time the frenzied posting begins on April 1st, you will already have an audience eagerly awaiting your posts.

Sign up below, ready your theme, and post March 23rd on your calendar!


Don't forget the awesome A to Z Twitter Chats!

2015 - Thursdays - 1pm-2pm EST (NY, USA) / 8pm-9pm EST (NY, USA)

FEB 19 - 1pm / 8pm
FEB 26 - 1pm / 8pm
MAR 5 - 1pm / 8pm
MAR 12 - 1pm / 8pm
MAR 19 - 1pm / 8pm
MAR 26 - 1pm / 8pm
APR 2 - 1pm / 8pm
APR 9 - 1pm / 8pm
APR 16 - 1pm / 8pm
APR 23 - 1pm / 8pm
APR 30 - 1pm / 8pm


This linky list is now closed.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Cover Reveal Day! To ME! And, the Calendar of Awesomeness!

We've all been waiting a long time.

So, I won't keep you in suspense any longer than I have to.

Introducing... cover reveal...

...for my new book...

...set to release next month...

...without further ado... it is...

...right below...

...these words...

One Good Catch

A Maguire’s Corner novel

Title: One Good Catch
Series: A Maguire's Corner novel
Author: Heather M. Gardner
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Release Date: March 13, 2015


Ignoring a recent trauma that is affecting her everyday life, ER Doctor Kate Maguire engages in some high risk activities, but putting herself in these dangerous situations isn’t enough to feed her edginess. She needs something more. When her brother’s high school best friend comes back to town, it’s her chance for a ‘no strings attached’ fling with the man who still headlines in all her best dreams.

Rhys MacGrath’s days of one-night-stands are long over. The pro-football player might be side-lined at rehab for a shoulder injury, but that doesn’t mean he can’t admire and desire the all-grown-up, so-damn-hot, version of the tomboy he once knew. His sudden interest in Kate might be aggravating his best friend, who doesn’t approve, but it’s her indifference that’s driving Rhys crazy.

Everything heats up when Kate’s nosy nature sets her in the line of fire of an arsonist forcing them to deal with more than just the sparks igniting between them.


Heather M. Gardner's love of books began on the hand-woven rugs of her small town library where her mother worked. There she had a never-ending supply of stories to read at her fingertips. As a teen, her favorite genres to curl up with were romance and mysteries. When she started to create her own stories, they were the perfect fit.

Heather resides in New York with her best friend who is also her husband, plus her talented and handsome son. She is currently owned by four stray cats. Heather's a full-time mom, works part-time from home, a chocolate enthusiast, coffee junkie, cat addict, book hoarder and fluent in sarcasm.

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Twitter: @hmgardner

Goodreads: HMGardner 

Facebook: HeatherWritesRomance


Well, there it is. I finally have my cover!

I'm so excited to share this story with you!

Check out what else is coming up on the Calendar of Awesomeness!

March 13, 2015 - Release day for One Good Catch!

March 13, 2015 - Release day for Of Blood and Sorrow by Christine Rains!

April 1, 2015 - Blogging from A to Z April Challenge begins!

April 1, 2015 - Already Home NEW Cover Reveal Day!

April 7, 2015 - Release day for Dragon of the Stars by Alex J. Cavanaugh!
April 15, 2015 - Re-release day for Already Home!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Teasers. I've got some. #OneGoodCatch

For the longest time I would see other authors have these great teasers on Facebook.

I just figured they were paying to have someone make them.

I finally asked around and found out that they were using PicMonkey to create them.

I've made about four of these now and it's pretty easy and fun. And free. A little time consuming, but still fun. And FREE.

The weird thing is that PicMonkey doesn't have their name on it anywhere. I would think their name or logo should be on it if they aren't going to charge for it, but no.

Maybe this is how they get new clients, by one of their users, me, telling potential new clients, you, about it.

So, I'm sharing.

.....2 more days until the One Good Catch cover reveal....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Snow days are not for the weak.

It's another snow day here in lower NY. The evil BOY is home and buggin' the crap out of me.

It's a crappy mix of snow and ice and rain and ice so its not like I can send him outside to play either.

I'm trying to keep the TV off for a little while since he sat in front of it most of the day yesterday like a zombie.

So, he's just annoying me instead.


Yeah. Like that.

I'm going to cave soon and let him play the XBox.

Or find some duct tape.


I'm gonna put my headphones on and pretend to play music while I get back to my edits for book 1. I really need to get them done since it comes out in April. :)


A big thanks to all of you that will be helping me share my cover reveal and book release in February and March. I really do appreciate it.


I could still use a few sidekicks for the A to Z Challenge. I know most of you are already participating in one way or another, but if you know someone who might want to help out the GNOME, please let me know.


Friday, February 6, 2015

#atozchallenge #roadtrip - Stormy introduces some manly men!

It's ME!

Stormy the Weather Gnome!

We're changing things up a bit so you don't get bored.

Don't worry, we're still on the road to nowhere, still can't drive 55, AND still running against the wind.

I have some new friends I've met on my journey to tell you about!

John Holton - The Sound of One Hand Typing

John considers his blog to be..."the Seinfeld of the blogging world most of the year..." so he went with Random Topics for his posts.

He likes to tie in great subject information with pictures and videos. What kind of random topics? Bananas, Jeopardy, Marvel Superheroes, Shopping, and Wasabi!

Matthew MacNish - The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment - (The QQQE)

Mr. Matt is a returning co-host to the Challenge. (WELCOME BACK) He had a break from posting in 2014, but in 2013 his theme was unique words and their etmologies.

We writers do love our words. Especially when he chooses words like Asinine, Feral, Quagmire, Tacit, and Vicarious.

How is your road trip going?

The 2015 A to Z Challenge sign up list is open! Why haven't you signed up yet?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#IWSG - February - Who's with me!!???!!!

Friends. Colleagues. Countrymen.
It's that time.

From the founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh...
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day.


The awesome co-hosts for the February 4 posting of the IWSG will be Gwen Gardner, Dolorah, Sarah Foster, and M. Pax!

My insecurity?

I need help!

This is where the begging pleading bribery beseeching begins.

Part A.
I've mentioned it before and some of you have kindly responded, but I've never really taken note of who would like to help me with cover reveals or release days for my two books coming out in March and April.

(I do know the Ninja has my back. Though I never see him back there. Good job, Ninja!)

I think its because the actual reveal/release days were always so far away in the future and now the first one is in 10 days. YIKES!

Cover Reveal for One Good Catch - Friday - February 13, 2015
OGC Release Day - Friday - March 13, 2015
Cover Reveal for Already Home - Wednesday - April 1, 2015
AH Re-release Day - Wednesday - April 15, 2015

If you are interested in helping me out with either a reveal, a release or both, please leave a comment with your email address, or email me directly at, and I will send you all my pertinent book information.

Part B.
Who wants to build a snowman? No one? Good!
I hate the cold!

Instead...who wants to help out this Co-Host during the 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge?

I say help me, but it will most likely be helping...

He does love to cuddle with his sidekicks!

We need a few dedicated people to help us with this year's challenge. Just a few hours a week will do. We help monitor the list and visit new bloggers! It couldn't be easier!

If you're interested, please leave a comment with your email address, or email me directly at, and I will send you all the pertinent information.

Yea or Nay, I appreciate your time visiting with me today!