Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I could use a Time-Turner or maybe just a slap in the face!

Feast or famine.

Ever hear that term?

I'm sure you have. Sometimes we have nothing at all to do and sometimes its like the flood gates have opened up and you're doing the doggy paddle to keep your head above the water.

My son has decided to do the Science Fair again this year. Hello Lava Lamps. That's due this Friday.

He also has a biography report to do, which needs to be artsy/fartsy and on poster board, due next week.

Yes, these are his projects, but they require a certain amount of 'mom help' in the purchasing of supplies department and the 'Get Your Butt Moving' motivational department.

I'm giving One Good Catch a final looksee now that its been formatted. (squee!)

I'm supposed to be editing Already Home which is coming out again in April. (AHHH!)

The A to Z Challenge is right around the corner and I'm ... of course ... themeless at the moment.

The first 2 Twitter Chats for A to Z are tomorrow.

Spread the word!
#‎AtoZChallenge‬ ‪#‎AZchat‬ First Twitter Chat this Thursday, 2-19-2015, 1pm EST (NY, USA) & 8pm EST (NY, USA) - Bring your questions!

I shouldn't be complaining. These are all really awesome things.

I just need better time management skills to get through it all. Or a Time-Turner!

Yeah, I know.

Stop goofing off and get back to it!

Okay. Okay. You don't have to be so bossy!

Have a great day!


I'm on a Goodreads list!

2015 Romantic Releases (January to March)!

If you're on Goodreads you can vote to push One Good Catch up higher on the list!


I still have room for a few good Sidekicks! If you're interested leave me a note in the comments or email me! (


  1. Good luck with your son's science projects. I mean, motivating him to do them.
    What day is your release in April? We should have a joint release party.
    Off to Tweet!

  2. LOL! I was just informed my daughter has been selected to participate in an advanced science competition. There are only two teams in her grade level of 4 kids each, and by the way, we missed the first two meetings because no on told me until yesterday that she'd been placed. I feel your pain. Wishing you sanity!

  3. I wish your son good luck, also your twitter. Have a good time.

  4. I so much hated school projects. I remember going to Michael's craft store in running into half a dozen of my sons' friends there buying project materials. ugh!
    Will see at the chat tomorrow.

  5. Good luck with helping your son.

  6. Your son sounds like the way I used to be when I was in school: Never do anything ahead of time when you can do it at the last minute. Come to think of it, I haven't changed that much.

    You did a stellar job of conducting the first #AZchat's of 2015!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  7. I hate to tell you this but it never ends. I'm help my 16 year old grandson with his science project.

  8. I remember those days and they were exhausting! Now my youngest son is in high school so the work doesn't require nearly as much "Mommy help." Take a deep breath. Enjoy these moments. They pass fast. As the mom of three adult children I know you'll miss these times someday. I'll see you in the A to Z challenge. I have a theme but it isn't refined enough yet. More like a paragraph description than being appropriate for the theme reveal. We'll get there, slowly but surely.

  9. I'm still themeless too! Ugh! Good luck with the science project...I hate when my kids have big's a lot of work for us parents! Let's face it...they do require lots of supervision...and you ain't kidding about the motivation enhancing bit!

  10. A very full plate, my dear. But I'm sure you're doing one bang up job on everything. I'll pop over to goodreads and vote you on your book. Thanks for telling us.


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