Friday, January 29, 2016

There's been ... an accident. #StormyNeedsGlue - #TheXFiles returns.

It started out just like any other storm.

Well, hold on, that's not true.

First, the weather people said: "Lots of snow coming! Look out!"
And then they said: "Don't panic. Less snow than we thought."
And then they said: "Wow, we suck at this job, really not gonna get much snow at all."

So, Stormy the Weather Gnome put out a message saying: Due to the lack of storm, Stormy the Weather Gnome will not be posing for photos this weekend. ‪#‎GnomeAgeddon‬ will take place to the south.

And then they said: "Ummm, maybe a little more is coming and you should be concerned, but only in certain areas."

So, this happened: 

Followed by this:

But, what happens next is just unbelievable.

The following picture may not be suitable for young viewers.


It's been unusually quiet on the porch these past few days. Except for some intermittent Gnome swearing.

Then today ... this happened.

StWG: Hey! Who are you supposed to be?

StWG 2.0: I'm you. But...better. *tsk tsk* You've got to pull yourself together, man!

StWG: Ha ha. Very funny.

Yep. There is a new Gnome in town. We're infested! I might have to get an exterminator.


The Re-opening of The X-Files News 

It's been a long time coming and it's finally here. The first 2 episodes of The X-Files have aired and they were great! 

My small hang-up? What's with Scully's voice? She sounds like she's been smoking a-pack-a-day since 2002!

Besides that? I'm loving it! But, I won't share anything else about it until more people get to see it.

Thank you all. I appreciate your patience during my obsessive countdown.


Have you signed up for the 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge yet?

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sign-Up List Now Open for the Seventh Annual A to Z Challenge!

Welcome to the seventh annual A to Z Blogging Challenge!

Please read and follow the sign-up instructions outlined below so you sign onto the list correctly!

The brainchild of Arlee Bird, at Tossing it Out, the A to Z Challenge is posting every day in April except Sundays (we get those off for good behavior.) And since there are 26 days, that matches the 26 letters of the alphabet. On April 1, blog about something that begins with the letter “A.” April 2 is “B,” April 4 is “C,” and so on. You can use a theme for the month or go random – just as long as it matches the letter of the alphabet for the day.

The A to Z Challenge is a great way to get into the blogging habit and make new friends. For more details and its history, go HERE

We recommend short posts, turn off Word Verification, and visit five blogs (or more) a day beginning with the one after yours on the list.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

To streamline legitimate blogs from advertisement blogs, the Co-Hosts will be visiting each blog on this list throughout the Challenge. Once the Challenge begins, blogs showing no activity or those that miss five days in a row will be removed.

Please note your blog name and number in all correspondences. Remember that as blogs are removed, your number WILL change.

There are categories for those looking for like-minded blogs. Select ONE category code and enter it after your blog’s title/name. The code applies to your blog, not your theme for the Challenge and is purely optional. See the first few blogs on the list for examples. However, if your blog has adult content, you MUST mark it (AC) or it will be removed from the list. Codes are as follows:


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

For more information we recommend you follow the A to Z Challenge Blog and the hosts:

Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Heather M. Gardner
Jeremy @ Hollywood Nuts
AJ Lauer
Pam @ An Unconventional Librarian
Damyanti Biswas @ Daily Write
Zalka Csenge Virág @ The Multicolored Diary
Joy Campbell @ The Character Depot
John Holton @The Sound of One Hand Typing

We also have a Facebook Page and Pinterest Site
Email address is
Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge and Twitter id is @AprilA2Z

Sign up below and join us for a month of alphabet fun!
(When you sign up, you agree to receive A to Z related emails.)


This linky list is now closed.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Re-opening of The X-Files News #TheXFiles201Days #XFiles #XfilesRewatch

The Re-opening of The X-Files News 

It's almost here.

By the time I see you again on Monday, I will have watched 12 episodes to finish out Season 9...

...2 movies to round out the whole series, and 1 BRAND NEW episode of The X-Files from Sunday night. It's going to be epic.

There are a lot of possible spoiler-rly articles/interviews out there (that I'm staying away from), but if you have an interest, I'll leave you some links.

FOX is doing a countdown and lots of show extras on the website.

‘The X-Files’ Review: Conspiracy Series Revival Makes You Believe Again 

Chris Carter on Reviving 'The X-Files': 'I Knew We Had Stories to Tell' 

Gillian Anderson Answers All Your Questions about the New X-Files Revival 

My East Coast peeps are looking at a snowy weekend that could be very dangerous in some areas, so please be careful out there and be prepared.


Sign-ups for the 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge begin on MONDAY!!! 

Check out Alex's post on Six Benefits of the A to Z Challenge HERE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

4 days until The X-Files, 5 days until the A to Z Challenge & a Cover Reveal for Susan V. Vaughn!


Good morning. If the picture above says 5 days it's because I pre-wrote my post last night and didn't have time to change the picture in the AM or because The X-Files FB page didn't put up the new graphic for me to use.

Either way, it's actually only 4 days, (Sunday 1-24-2016), until we all get to witness The X-Files return to our TV sets.

And...I know some of you aren't from around these here parts and were wondering if the show will be airing in the UK.

This is what I found.

UK Premiere Date Information

Latest UK Premiere Date

UK Channel: Channel 5
Latest/Next UK Season: miniseries
Latest/Next UK Premiere Date: No exact date/time - February 2016
Country of Origin: USA
Additional Airing Notes:
Mulder and Scully return for a limited time to investigate more X-Files. The ‘20 essential episodes‘ specially selected by the shows creator Chris Carter to help people who haven’t seen the original show get up to speed, people who need a refresher, will be starting on Monday 11th January on 5* and Demand 5.

I hope this is accurate and helps!


The 2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge sign-ups open on Monday, 1-25-2016!

I'm seriously considering bringing back Stormy, but I'm not sure yet. He's such a DIVA.

I'm definitely going to need some Sidekicks. If you're interested in helping out, whether you're participating in the Challenge or not, please leave me a note or send me an email.


Cover Reveal for Susan V. Vaughn!


Knockout Love
By Susan V. Vaughn
NA/Contemporary Romance
ISBN: (ebook) 978-1-939590-74-9
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs

Available for Pre-Order now on:
BUY LINK: Amazon:

She just might be the woman of his dreams…

Maggie Heugan has her life all planned out, from her engagement to a handsome doctor, to her perfect nursing career. Then why does a chance meeting with a captivating stranger, have her questioning everything she has ever known?

Pro wrestler, Sean Miller is on a fast track to his destiny, until an unexpected injury derails his course. Now he can’t refrain from chasing the enticingly beautiful Nurse Maggie, when she just might hold the key to healing him in more ways than one.

For these two conflicted lovers, life spirals out of control, when Love collides with destiny.

About the author:
Romance Author, Susan Vaughn understood the meaning of sarcasm before she could walk.  Her childhood in the suburbs of Detroit was spent mainly trying to outwit her six creative siblings.  When she wasn’t working on the next soul crushing jab, she sharpened her imagination on romantic literature and day dreamed about her knight in shining armor.
It didn’t take long for this hairdresser by trade to turn her passion for reading romances into writing her own unique love stories.  Susan lives her life finding laughter in all situations, and delights in marrying sarcasm with romance to create realistic falling-in-love stories in the unlikeliest of scenarios.  
Susan lives on the shores of Lake Huron with her real life knight in shining armor and enjoys watching their three children learn the art of sarcasm and wit.

Twitter handle: @susanvaughn1124

Monday, January 18, 2016

What's in a name? Apparently everything!

I have no idea why it's so hard for me to come up with book titles, but its darn near impossible!

My family will tell you that I agonize over this part. And I hate agonizing!

I have to name a simple short story and I can't come up with anything that I like!

How do you guys come up with titles?

Do they just come to you?

Do you pull them from your story?

Do you use a Magic Eight Ball?

Tell me! Help a girl out!


My un-named short story will be released as part of, The Thing That Turned Me, an amazing anthology from Stay Class Publishing!


Friday, January 15, 2016

Stormy the Weather Gnome greets a new friend.

New Guy: Who the heck are all of you? Why are you all so pale?

StWG: I'm Stormy, this is Sparks, and the guy with the hammer is Fredricks Burg. And, if we're pale it's because it's winter in New York.

New Guy: New York? I'm supposed to be in Florida! Who turned off the heat?

Sparks: When did this guy show up?

Fredricks Burg: *cricket*

StWG: He was delivered at Christmas. He's officially licensed merchandise. They named him Chief Osce-Gnome-a.

Sparks: Welcome to the porch.

Fredricks Burg: *cricket*

Chief Osce-Gnome-a: Point me toward the stadium! And where's the darn sun? It's cold and I don't know what time it is! When's the darn game?

StWG: *cricket* 


2016 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge:
Top Ten reasons you should join the 2016 Challenge! #atozchallenge

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My #LoganLerman for Han Solo campaign!

It all started when I saw this headline!

'Young' Han Solo Actor Shortlist Revealed: Report

I was reading through the list of actors names on the shortlist, and I didn't recognize any of them!

I had to go to IMDB and search for their profiles. Seeing their faces, I realized I did know who they were, just not their names.

From the article:

Disney and Lucasfilm are inching closer to finding their young Han Solo for the upcoming untitled "Star Wars" spinoff.
Sources tell Variety that after seeing thousands of actors, execs have cut the list down to about a dozen actors with Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort, Dave Franco, Jack Reynor, Scott Eastwood, Logan Lerman, "Brooklyn" star Emory Cohen and "Everybody Wants Some" actor Blake Jenner among the names making the cut.

The one that stood out to me the most was Logan Lerman, who I recognized instantly as Percy Jackson!

Being a life-long fan of the Star Wars franchise, I think casting a young Han Solo correctly is a moral imperative.

Mr. Lerman has talent, the right look, and the right amount of snark, to pull off this part.

So, if you want to jump on my campaign bandwagon, make sure you RT and share this post!

That's all I've got today. I'm finishing up my final edits on the short story and I hope to send that out really soon. YAY!


Monday, January 11, 2016

Should be #amwriting or even #amediting instead of #amprocrastinating.

It's clear to me that I'm not doing my job very well.


I better get back to the manuscript!


David Bowie has left us. I'm heartbroken. I picked an upbeat song to share. Let's celebrate his talents that he shared with us.
 David Bowie - Modern Love

I'll miss you, David Bowie.