Howz it hanging?
Pretty good here.
Everyone visit my ENTRY in the So You Think You Can Write contest? Voting starts in just 5 days!
That's it for me today.
Thanks for coming.
Oh, wait! I promised I was going to share with you today!
Nancy S. Thompson's novel, THE MISTAKEN, an adult psychological thriller, will be published by Sapphire Star Publishing on October 18, 2012.
She will also be visiting us on her World Wide Blog Tour on October 29th!
But, until then you can enjoy Nancy's Book Trailer!
I'm really glad I get to share this with you and I'm so excited for Nancy!
I had the privilege of reading some of her novel and I can tell you her writing is fantastic.
I can't wait to read the shiny published version and I wish her the best of luck!
So please, show Nancy some blog love!!!
Happy Friday everyone!