Friday, April 13, 2012

Stormy's at the Library!

Today's weather: Clear. High of 66 degrees. Tree pollen levels are very high.

Did you celebrate National Library Week from April 8-14, 2012?

I did!

I'm down here!

I'm using this computer to find more Gorilla Glue!

Book cart surfing anyone?

It's a community puzzle!

Take a seat!

Or a bench!

The children's section is my favorite!

I picked out some great books!

Self-checkout tickles!

Are you supporting your local library?

It's ready to support you!

Blogging from A to Z!


Happy Friday the 13th!


  1. That last one is the icing on the cake!

  2. I do support my local library.

    We don't have any self checkout stations so I'll have to take your word for it on that whole tickling thing.

  3. I love my local library. Sadly, it has no gnomes!

  4. I've been following Stormy around. He has the best adventures!! And I love the library. I can't afford to buy all the books I read so I have to use my public library. I even posted about it once. And it's so easy these days. I search and reserve everything online using my phone!

  5. Love the library and also your blog posting of Stormy at the Library.

  6. I bet the library had such a laugh when you brought your gnome in to take pictures. Awesome.

  7. Alex - Thank you! The looks I get!

    M.J. - Awesome! Self-checkout is big around here in all the new libraries.

    Nancy - I'm so glad you've been coming by. I can't afford to buy all the books I want either. I can reserve everything online.

    Gossip_Grl - Thanks so much! I had fun w/ him there.

  8. Clarissa - I'm not sure they were laughing so much as wondering what the hell I was doing!

  9. how sweet of stormy to make a guest appearance at the library!

  10. Tara - He really likes it there. :)

  11. Stormy and Dr. Seuss - a great match!

  12. Carol - Thank you! I love that they painted that on the wall!

  13. Oh how cute! Love it :)

    I don't actually use the library but I do support it when they do the big library sale each year!

    Anna@Herding Cats & Burning Soup

  14. Anna - Thanks! I'm so glad you came by! Libraries are great and not just for books. They have great programs and nice places to read.


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