Wednesday, July 1, 2015

#IWSG - New & Improved Pop Travel by Tara Tyler!!!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Alex J. Cavanaugh's awesome co-hosts for the July 1 posting of the #IWSG will be Charity Bradford, S.A. Larsen, AJ, Tamara Narayan, Allison Gammons, and Tanya Miranda! 

Sorry, I'm running a little late today.

Would you believe my mom was right?

If you stand out in the rain all day at carnival you can catch a cold?

Stupid cold at the end of June. 
(ACHOO!) (Cough. Cough.)
Stupid cold.

I'm all about spreading the love this week, so I'm not going to share any insecurities today. Instead, I'm going to tell you what I always tell you.

Keep. Moving. Forward.

As writers, or any type of artist, there is no better way to learn and grow at what we do, then to keep producing more of what we love.

Keep writing.
Keep going.
Keep sharing.
Keep learning.

We all need downtime. We all get discouraged.

But, our determination will push us to the next level.


Guess who stopped in today to share with all of us? 

Tara Tyler!!! YAY!!!!!

Take it away Tara!


Thanks for always offering to host me for special announcements, Heather! You're the best!

Heather and I are pub sisters! We both published our books at the same time! Though her journey was a bit tougher than mine... here we are! We've also both gotten makeover covers this year for our books that we released two years ago. I adored reading ALREADY HOME, which was then Maguire's Corner. And now I'm eagerly getting into the highly anticipated sequel, ONE GOOD CATCH which came out this year. And to keep the pub-sister thing going, my next PT book SIMULATION will be out in September. Special, ain't it? Ha!

Before we get to my new cover, I'm doing a quick little reverse interview on Heather...
1) How's Book 3 of Maguire's Corner coming? I need to have the next one when I finish number 2!

Awww. Thanks for asking, Tara! I don't think it will be done before you read bk 2, but I have been working on Emily's story. She's had a tough time since bk 1. I'll also be introducing a new resident of Maguire's Corner, Sean Rafferty, former soldier, current K9 officer.

2) We've had mucho rainouts lately and every thunderstorm reminds me of Stormy! What's he been up to?

We are in the same boat (so to speak) with the rain. Stormy, and his gnome friends, have been hanging out on the porch like a bunch of unemployed lawn ornaments. Oh wait!

3) In ALREADY HOME, I adore Maggie and Jake to no end, but my favorite character was Maggie's brother, Bobby, he's handsome, jokes around, and is very protective - all the best qualities of a brother (someone else's brother for girls to hit on!) I hope he gets his own story at some point, hint, hint. And my last question for Heather is, Who's your favorite POP TRAVEL character?
I love Bobby, too! I've had thoughts of extending the series to include the cousins Bobby, Sam, and Steve (my favorite). You just never know. :)

Of course, my favorite Pop Travel character is Cooper! He's smart, sexy, and funny! An awesome combination!

Thanks again, Heather for allowing me to be here and talk about the new and improved POP TRAVEL - it's sexy! And the re-release has a sneak peek at the first chapter of SIMULATION which comes out Sept 14th!

by Tara Tyler
Re-released July 1, 2015

In 2080, technology has gone too far for private detective J. L. Cooper. He thinks he can avoid pop travel teleportation, until he stumbles onto a video of a pop traveler who turns to dust.

Sparking a series of murders, attempts on his life, and threats to his brother, Cooper wants to pass off the evidence but knows he’s being watched and can’t trust anyone. And who would believe him?

With help from the neurotic genius “Creator” of pop travel and a beautiful Southern charmer, Cooper must expose the deadly glitch and shut it down or die trying. No problem.

Amazon ~~~ BN ~~~ Goodreads

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno-thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, MG/YA Fantasy series, Beast World,


Thank you, Tara!

I love the new cover and I can't wait to read Simulation in September! You are welcome here at the blog anytime! 


  1. I hope you feel better soon, Heather. Summer colds can really get you down. Tara, I LOVED Pop Travel. Looking forward to reading Simulation.

    Best wishes,
    Diane IWSG #99

  2. Cool new cover, Tara!
    Unemployed lawn ornaments - hilarious.
    Sorry about your cold.

  3. Heather, I love the cover for One Good Catch. I feel like I've commented on this before. I just added it to my Goodreads TBR :)

  4. Hope your cold goes away soon! I'm glad I didn't get one from being out in the rain this weekend.
    The whole being your own competition thing really struck me because it's basically what I've been thinking lately. I'm never going to get anywhere if I don't get writing first!

  5. Really looking forward to Maguire's Corner #3. I may or may not have a thing for K-9s...

    Love Tara's new cover. It's so cool!

    Feel better soon!

  6. That is a snazzy new cover for Pop Travel.

  7. I love Heather's new covers, and Tara's is cool, too!
    Congrats to you both! :)

    IWSG #123 until Alex culls the list again.

  8. Tara is all over the net today. Her book looks awesome. Congrats.

  9. Woot, woot for Tara! I'm wishing you better soon, and hey, take some cheese to help the process along, eh?

  10. Here's hoping you'll soon be well Heather.
    Great post to read loved every word.

  11. Hi,
    Get well soon! A summer cold is the worst thing to have when the sun is shining and there are pretty clouds in the sky.
    Love your encouragement too. We can be our own worst enemy. Changing the way we see ourselves as writers changes our writing perspective and we write.

  12. Awe, hope you get feeling better Heather. And I love Tara's new cover!

  13. Yippee for Tara and her new, exciting cover. Get rid of that cold, Heather. They're especially miserable in the summer.

  14. Feel better! I wish we'd get some rain. I'm just coming off some down time. Sometimes we have to go through it. Yay for Tara!

  15. i hope you're getting some rest - and take a coldeeze! get better soon =)

    thanks to everyone for the encouraging comments!
    and a special thanks to the inspiring hostess, heather!
    happy july you guys!

  16. Something must be going around. My kids got bad colds as well. Congrats on all the publications discussed here.

  17. Something must be going around. My kids got bad colds as well. Congrats on all the publications discussed here.

  18. Tara's new cover is ab-fab!
    Three words. Keep. Moving. Forward.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  19. I hope you're feeling better. And don't you hate it when people are right.

  20. Great post, Heather! Congratulations on your book, Tara! Love the cover! :)


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