Thursday, April 30, 2015

Z. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

Z =Zip It

Zip It! - Dr. Evil

So, have you heard enough? Are you SO done hearing about The X-Files yet?

Yeah, me neither. :)

I'm sure once filming begins in the summer and announcements start happening from FOX that I will be informing y'all of the particulars. 'Cause that's how I roll.

Thank you so much for following my posts this whole entire month and thank you for all the nice comments!

I hope I helped a few of you get to know the show and the characters a little better. As I said to my husband, I'm responsible for tens of people re-watching the show!

Don't think for a minute that I won't be back around to catch the tail-ends of your letters or even from A to Z! I've been binge-reading blogs and it just takes me some time to get through them.


From our Founder and Host: Arlee Bird

A to Z Reflections Post
       The A to Z Reflections Post is a tradition that began after the first 2010 Challenge.  This is the time when you tell about your experiences with the Challenge, share blogs that you found particularly interesting, and register your complaints or compliments about A to Z.   You can tell us all about the good as well as the bad.  The Reflections Post Linky List will go up on Monday May 4th.   You can put up your reflections post anytime after the Challenge is over up until Friday May 8th and then after the List has gone live you add the link leading directly to your Reflections post.   That's important so I hope you're paying attention.   The Reflection Post Linky List links need to lead directly to your Reflections post and not to your general blog URL.


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
Well, looks like she's finally done yammering about this show. I've had fun sharing some of the hilarious quotes from The X-Files. Bob the Alien and I are going to pack up all this stuff and go take a much needed nap.



Have you signed up for the Blood, Boobs, and Carnage Blogfest yet? 
Movie-show-book that exemplifies the theme. (Or part of theme.)
Hosted by me and Alex J. Cavanaugh!
Sign up – or else....

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Y. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

Y = Year

This represents the last of my memorabilia. A wall calendar and a desk calendar, both from 1997. I must have been flush that year. :)

I did hang the wall calendar, but I don't think I ever used the desk one. It was still in the bag it came in.

Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

The Red and the Black 
Krycek: You must be losing it, Mulder. I can beat you with one hand. 
Mulder: Isn't that how you like to beat yourself? 
[Krycek cocks gun] 
Mulder: If those were my last words, I can do better.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

X. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

X = X-Phile

X-Phile (plural X-Philes)  
A fan of the television series The X-Files.

Am I? Well, that depends.

Some would say that simply being a fan of the show makes me an X-Phile. 

Some would say I can only be an X-Phile if I can explain the complex conspiracy/mythology/story arcs of the show and pinpoint every significant moment during the nine seasons, which honestly ... I can't.

I know I love this show. I don't need a specific label to tell me that I'm a fan. I watched. I taped (yeah, on the VCR machine, baby). I re-watched. I obsessed. I pined. I waited. I fretted. I laughed and I cried.

That's good enough for me.

Are you a fan?


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

Mulder: Maybe you don't know what you're looking for. 
Scully: Like evidence of conjury or the black arts or shamanism, divination, Wicca or any kind of pagan or neo-pagan practice. Charms, cards, familiars, bloodstones, or hex signs or any of the ritual tableaux associated with the occult, Santeria, Voudoun, Macumba, or any high or low magic? 
Mulder: Scully? 
Scully: Yes? 
Mulder: Marry me. 
Scully: I was hoping for something a little more helpful.

Monday, April 27, 2015

W. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

W = Waiting

So, now we wait.

If you're a fan of the show, you've been waiting all along anyway. Always hoping they would come back and wrap the show up better. Make-up for that last season and that last movie.
Chris Carter, creator of the show, had always said he didn't want the show to stay at the party too long. There must have been an incredible amount of pressure from the 'powers that be' (FOX) to keep the show going so long.
I also believe that's why Carter created The Lone Gunmen and Millenium, to show that life could move on from The X-Files.
But, these shows couldn't sustain themselves. TV had changed. The viewers had changed. They wanted faster paced shows like CSI Miami and The Shield. They wanted more reality TV like American Idol and The Bachelor.
They could have had an absolutely amazing show, like Firefly, but FOX f'd it up. :)
But, we get one more amazing chance with Chris Carter, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and now confirmed, Mitch Pileggi (AD Walter Skinner).
Let's hope that they've come up with a great way to finally honor the show, the characters, and everyone involved with it. 


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

Mulder: Crump? Crump, what else can you tell me about what's happening to you? 
Crump: Mr. Crump. You call me by my last name, you say "Mister" in front of it. 
Mulder: "Mister." I got you. 
Crump: Not Crump. Mr. Crump. 
Mulder: I can think of something else I'd like to call you. I could put "Mister" in front of that too if you'd like. 
Crump: You know, what kind of name is Mulder, anyway? What is that, like... like, Jewish? 
Mulder: Excuse me? 
Crump: Jewish... It is, right? 
Mulder: It's Mr. Mulder to you, you peanut-picking bastard. Now, Mr. Crump what can you tell me about what's happening to you?

Don't forget to sign-up for the Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest!

Sign up below!

This linky list is now closed.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

V. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

V = Video Game

Technically three games were released.

The X-Files Game - I own this one on CD-ROM for the PC aka the personal computer!
The X-Files: Resist or Serve - This was for Playstation and I'm an X-Box girl.
The X-Files: Unrestricted Access - This was more of an interactive resource than a game so I didn't get it.


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

Mulder: Let me drive. 
Scully: I’m driving. 
Mulder: Scully, it’s not what you think. 
Scully: I didn’t see anything anyway. 
Mulder: Will you let me drive!? 
Scully: I’m driv-- why do you always have to drive? Because you’re the guy? Because you’re the big macho-man? 
Mulder: No. I was just never sure your little feet could reach the pedals.

Friday, April 24, 2015

U. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

U = Unidentified Flying Object

Besides the typewriter font X, this poster is probably the image most associated with The X-Files. Created by the show, it hangs on Mulder's office wall in seasons 1-5 until...

...a large fire destroys everything inside that room. He does get a replacement poster for his FBI office, but eventually (during the second film) hangs it in his home office.

I do have this poster. Somewhere. In my house. Just sayin'.


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

Scully: Mulder, it's the dim hope of finding that proof that's kept us in this car, or one very much like it for more nights than I care to remember. Driving hundreds if not thousands of miles through neighborhoods and cities and towns where people are raising families and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs, and... in short, living their lives. While we - we - we just keep driving. 
Mulder: What is your point? 
Scully: Don't you ever just want to stop? Get out of the damn car? Settle down and live something approaching a normal life? 
Mulder: This is a normal life.



 Need your own A to Z Challenge T-shirt?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

T. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

T = TV Show

Giant box of DVD's.

Each section is a season, 7 DVD's in each.

September 10, 1993 - May 19, 2002
9 Seasons
202 Episodes
2 Feature Films
Numerous Awards
Spin-Off: The Lone Gunmen
Non-Spin-Off (but kinda): Millennium


Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

Episode: Redux II
Skinner: Agent Mulder...Where you going? 
Mulder: I.C.U. 
Skinner: You're moving pretty good for a dead man. 
Mulder: No, I'm only half-dead.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

S. #AtoZChallenge - The re-opening of The X-Files.

My 2015 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge theme is The re-opening of The X-Files. I'm not going to reiterate the known facts about the show, but share with you how it ruled my life for 9 seasons and beyond.

S = Scully, Dana

FBI recruiting, fact having, medical school finishing, pant-suit wearing, religious believing, tattoo getting, nonfat tofutti rice dreamsicle eating, dog adopting, cancer beating, Queen of Skepticism.

Special Agent Stormy the Weather Gnome here.
When you get bored of listening to her drivel about her favorite TV show, make sure you drop down to the bottom of the posts to see me. I'm sharing funny quotes from the show.

The Unnatural
SCULLY: Mulder, it is such a gorgeous day outside. Have you ever entertained the idea of trying to find life on this planet?
MULDER: I have seen the life on this planet, Scully and that is exactly why I am looking elsewhere. -- Did you bring enough ice cream to share with the rest of the class?
SCULLY: It's not ice cream. It's a nonfat tofutti rice dreamsicle.
MULDER: Ugh. Bet the air in my mouth tastes better than that. You sure know how to live it up, Scully.
SCULLY: Oh, you're Mr. Live-it-up. Mulder, you're really Mr. Squeeze-every-last-drop-out-of-this-sweet-life aren't you? On this precious Saturday you've got us grabbing life by the testes stealing reference books from the FBI library in order to go through New Mexico newspaper obituaries for the years 1940 to 1949 and for what joyful purpose?
MULDER: Looking for anomalies, Scully. Do you know how many so-called "flying disc" reports there were in New Mexico in the 1940s?
SCULLY: I don't care. Mulder, this is a needle in a haystack. These poor souls have been dead for 50 years. Let them rest in peace. Let sleeping dogs lie.
MULDER: No, I won't sit idly by as you hurl cliches at me. Preparation is the father of inspiration.
SCULLY: Necessity is the mother of invention.
MULDER: The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
SCULLY: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die.
MULDER: I scream, you scream, we all scream for nonfat tofutti rice dreamsicles. (MULDER grabs her arm and takes a bite of the dreamsicle.)
SCULLY: No! Mulder! 