Saturday, April 22, 2017

4-22-2017 #AtoZChallenge - S is for Supernatural, the show.

Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between -  

Random stuff from my brain

S is for Supernatural, the show.

Yep. I watch it. There are quite a few shows that I watch that are like my hidden/secret obsessions/pleasures.

It doesn't hurt that they're both easy on the eyes.

The stories are fun, even when it's 'Good vs. Evil' just about all the time. There's some great humor and of course tons of drama. They certainly get their butts kicked, but they always manage to save the world.

One day, when I win the lottery and have all kinds of time on my hands, I will re-watch every show and count up how many times these two get knocked out. Their brains must be mush by now!


  1. Haven't watched since season seven, but I love watching it. Dean is just . . .yeah. And so is castiel. Crowley is fun and omg Gabriel was a card.

    My family counts how many times they were epic failures. Sam was the first, then dean, the castiel. Also we love the running gag of how many times they try to kill dean off during a season.

    1. That is too funny. They do hate Dean the most, don't they?


  2. Hi Heather - I agree they look good, and if it's a fun and with a good v evil content - when the good guys win after a fight or two I'm happy ... had to look up Ackles and Padelecki though .. happy watching - perhaps a few extra after the A-Z ... cheers Hilary

    1. It's usually the good guys winning, for sure. :)


  3. love, Love Loooove Supernatural, the drama, the impala, the great conversations, Dean’s sharp sense of humor, Sam’s goodness, I’m a big fan, started watching since season 1 and never stopped :) I wrote about the show and the characters on my blog before, mostly on 2016's A to Z challenge. Happy to find someone else who enjoys it.
    Sam and Dean are part of the family now, and I too have a hard time believing they are still alive (or sane in the head...more or less) after getting beaten up every single episode. Other than my 2 precious Winchesters, I also like Crawly very much and used to love Kevin and Benny, Ah well! Death is a must in a show that long :(

    S's for Starry and Saanwariya.
    Theme: Weaving Cinquains.
    Blog Post:

    1. They could be a concussion study all to themselves!

      Glad you came by!

  4. oh gosh i watched the first season so fun. is it still running? love me some Jensen :D

    joy @ The Joyous Living

  5. I have not watched Supernatural yet. I heard somewhere that it can be a bit scary and I'm a huge wuss! Plus, there's a lot of episodes and I tend to binge watch stuff and, yeah, nothing will get done if I start.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Scary?
      Nah. You mostly know where they're going with each episode, but yes, binge watching that many seasons would be bad for productivity!


  6. One of my favorite shows! I love me some Winchester boys!!! Yum yum :)


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